Ka Nonanona, Volume III, Number 5, 25 July 1843 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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J n;i luiole Uei'iliinia [!;iJW>h;»nc» r M()lio ;uia, ;i n\c. u;i U.111 ;tU;i I5rrilani;i 0 a( v , iiiii iia M(>|vUjiiuii <> 'l'aliili a mo IMoi-ea. II. M :M. S, V111:1 i t 1 i \ 1 1 , A'.' 1 n l'.i p n>'r, ) ' 'l'nlii'n, luiii', '.?<», I " i'-i. S Ai<oti\ nī*r;iir, I!' 1 nii'n poiiM iii'n ke ImiiKnKn i-ku i ns« Kaimkn 0 II. |{. iM. r ik>1 ici iiim i | > !;> U.l lll.i kr A(i|M|i)i o |\i• I,|| Uilllllii' i' 'j ;•

aiiil wiilulinw.ilof mir I><^pnly ns our own, tui«l fl»'<rlni(• Ilial wc will no morn nit wiili tli(» Hriiisli ('<tiMiiūssioiiorß, or bo rosp(Uisil»!o for miv s»<Msol'l li<>irs whieh nmy onenmeh on tho ii«j;lits of r<)r(;i«rm;rs. ■ 'Plio Ht. Ilop. I.onl (!coruo Punlol «n<l |iis li'K.MHonaiM .lolin I'iok;, lmving enlisU;<l sol<iicis tiii<l*<r tlio tiflo of "llie (likmmi'h , nininlainimi; lliom ns n «Uhhl(inny onl.of fmi<ls nppiopiinleel bv uh lor ilkj |)a) fii<Mitof onr jnst di>l»ts, wiūeli ( 1 \Iw11k« \w < , (>nsi<|cr <pūtc nnenlhul for ;nml nsc-l<«ss; lhey hnvin# onforc<;<l lhcir ii< ni:in<l for thc pnyin<'i»l ol' iho mono)' hy a ihienl of <lcposiiii, f hom liis tliist nn Ofli'cr ol' ihe , Trcnsni'v, filihou:;h contrnry ro llio oi<lcis of lhe niui Pieiniei' lo liini, nifi(lc iuiowh to thc Hritisli Comiiūs;S.iom v rs; ! liv ihcv» opprcssions. I>y tho trinl of imtiv<:s lor i)llciī;/e<|.olVenees huninsl tho nntivc <nscs whieli eomo not pio|K rly uiidcr tlicir nml l>y ilicir llie lnws, wlūeh, hy tho i 'l'i'enty t, wcrc lo hnvc heen hcld sucrod nniil we- hcnr lloinMni.'.lniKl; \vo nre opnn<l itijitt'*><l» uikl leoi (-onliūenl th«tl nll will sympnthi/o wilh ns iin onr prcscin slnlr of <listr< s.s; uikl ik»w we Pi-oleM in thc Iheo of nll mon, nll siich proc.cc<liiu:.s . holh to'wur<ls oinsr|vcs, nnd lorci;riicrsnlij<'ols ,of othcr (i«>\ci iinicnls. <>n tfi<< | ;irt oi' thc Itt. Hnn. I ,oiti <m-oi'i'.e I';iulel, ('iipiain of 11, 11. M. ( n! Vsfi)ii v nnd his 1 ū(Mitcnnnt Jolm l'i <'•<", U. i\,. iimi tnl\c thc W(>rl(l to \vitncss thnt lhcy h;ivc hmken fuith with us. i Lf)i.i ii.:. Mn-i, i«-ti Ulhihlm, ,!nm» s?|, |S|:|, i»., <>~!•«•.!,) k s.\!t:iiA.\n;nA iii. . (> KI.KAI I.UOIII, l'rtmtir.