Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 992, 27 Iulai 1894 — A REPLY TO THE HOLOMUA. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The Holoinua of July 2oth says to «s, we havc lf not outlined any policy, as we invited him to do." Our policy has been trumpted in one steady note since January 14, 1893, from press, pulpit and stump, viz.: To oppose all thieves and drunkards, and to endeavor to gnide the Hawaiian people to await President Clevela,nd's final action in regard to the overthrow of the constitutional government of Hawaii, and the deposition of Queen Liliuokalani, whieh the President of United States aewas done by the*forces of that government, and let us add,and through the treachery.» and cowardice of the Queen's Cabinet and Marshal, and the general imbicility of the drunks that were at the back of them. To oppose the Holomua's "loyalty" to the boodlers % with our more definite support of the restoration of the Hawaiian monarchy and the •deposed SovereignT9 oppoae the Holomua'» urging the Hawaiian people to "fight" with only their iingecs and toe-nails, against Maxims, Gatlings, Nordenleldt» and rifles, in the hands of regularly organized forces, and to set the blatherskitea of that office and its writers, and those who support their policy of swearing away the country by taking the oatli to the new republic, an example of patriotism by not swearing, but patiei|Jly waiting the ultimate result of reof the statu quo ante; as *»">ireshadowed and pi-omised by every Titteraii.ee made bv President Cleveland on the Hawaiian question, and whieh policy has been since supported by the House of Congress by a vote of 177 to 75, and by theSenate, in a resolution, whieh leaves the Pi esident open to carry out the -wishes of the Hawaiian people, alTeadv "before him in tne Queen's protCst, and in the petition of the said Hawaiian people, for her restorand that of v the Hawaiian Monarchy. __ Jsow, Mr, Holomua, as you are so ansious to "fight" *or <l swear" to the new republic, why the h -1 <lon't you and your crowd vrho liaa been c*>wardly urging Bushaud Nanwliī t<> get tl\e Hawaiians to do what you cannot induce and betray them to do—for the past two or fchree iiionths. Show us, as you say. vnt are loosing our control of the Hfrwaiiany, and that you are all powerful through your bai--rooin friends aik! conncctions —what your conbx>l amoumt« t<> ? Drop tbat brick in your hat—and wipe your isj>ecB so that you ean see a little furtlier tlian youi- nose, talk a little tH>ninK>n sense, and do not boast so mueli al>out your power an<l influence. Shuw us what you ean <io, whether you are so j>otent with ihe Hawaiian» as you are an admirer ol Bc)iov>ners of Anchor Saloon lH>er, we mav deign to talk a little eaore epniehen zi Dutch wit you!

We defy any one of the thieving writers of the Holomua to prove the. No. of any checks for an aeeommodating vote by Bush. But we do know, that one of the writers who made and makes these charges against Bush, that he was brought up several times for robbing a man |of $8,500, whieh was paid by the 1 ' government through acconimodating l voters, and whieh Bush kicked j against.