Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 667, 22 March 1893 — HAWAIIAN PATRIOTIC LEAGUE. CONSTITUTION. [ARTICLE]
Whereas vital changes in our Country have iaken plaee. whieh may afi'ect its Independence and the Civil Rightsof it« Subjects and Citizens, thereby rendering indispensable a cotnpact and z6alous Union between ali men wholove tho Country. irrespective o£ | Party or creed. | Therefore. Resolved tHat We, the patriotic, peaeeI ful and loyal Subjects and Citizens of Hawaii nei, for \ the purpoBe cf|w»icebly guarding our Civil Rights, jdo hereby form ourBelves into a League, underthe ' following Constitution: i | NAME. I Article I—The name of this Association ehall j.be the HAWAIIAN PATRIOTIC LBAGUifi j (Ka Hui Hawaii Aloha Aina). ! OBJECT. | Article 2—The object of thi» Aesociation is to j preaerve and maintain, by all legal and peaceful | meaii» ai.d measures, the Independent Autonomy of the | lelands of Hawaii nei ; and. if the preeervation of our j Independence be retldered imposBible. our object ahall then be to exert all peacefui and Jegal efforts to secure for the Hawaiian People and Citizeiis the oontinuacice of their Civii Rights. ___ __ DIVISIONS. ! Article 3—The League shall consist of one Cen- ; tral Bod/ in Honolulu. with Branches iti the various | Distl®icts of the other Islands. ! MEMBERSIIIP. i Auticli: 4 - (a) All th« Natives of this Country, | over 20 year.s of age. who are willing to pledge themselves to the objects of this jLeague, are i eligible for memberßhip thereof and may become members by signing this Constitution. i (b) All foreigners t at present enjoying or entitled to Citil Rights m thiri country, anelin symi»athy with the objects uf this Asaoeiation and willing to pledge themsulvcs to it, by signing the Constitution, rriay be ■ adrnitted as Honorary Members. | pHGANIZATION I Article 5 — The Centrai Body of the Pah-ioūe j League shall rule over all l.he Distnct Branches, and shall be conducted by the following officers: 1. Honorary President. 1. President, 2. Vice-Presidents v 1. Secretary, 1. Treasurer, And 13 Councillors who toget'jer, shall conetitute an Executive Council of.11) members. All tnese Officers must be native Hawaiians and must be elected by Baliot, for such teVm o f office, as may be provided in the by-laws of the Leajjue or Council. The District Braaches s iall elect the» Chairman, Vice.-(/hairman, Secretary and Treasurer, and shall appoi nt one Delegate to represent them before the Ccntral Body in Honolulu, whieh Delegate shall have a right to attend the nieeting of the Executive Couneil and of the League. n HONORARY OFFICERS, Article 6 — Foreign Members snall be elected. by the Executive Council, to the following honorary olfices: 1 Hotiorary President, 2 Honorary VicePresidents, 2 Honorary S<icretaries, and 7 Honorary Counciliors, or more, as nmy hereafter be determined by the League. These Honorary OlTicers shall eonstitute an Advisory Counoil who shali sit and vote with the Executive Counc i. DUTIES OF OFFiCERS. Article 7—The duties of the various oflicers ahaīl be those pertainihg to the rcspectiv« otiices % as is usual in all similHr organizations, and shall be more expresslv d*fined iri such »y-lawsas mav be hereafter adopted hv the Executive Codfncil. MEMBERS. A uticle B—Meetings of the League akall be called bv the President, at the of the Executive Council or of anv other ten tnemberB; Me?tings of the v» Coum tl shall be cailed by the Pri-sident at the reciuest of any three meuibers of said Council; All procoedings of meetings of the League and of the Executive Council sh« 11 be governed by theusual decorutn aud rules of Par!iamentarv Usage. EXPULSIONS. Ahtic!.e 9 — Anv memher of tne League or of its Executive Councd, who m«y coiumit an act violating the spint and purposes of thi!i l # ea|»ue m#y l>e summc)nad hef»>re the Execiitive Council, and upon eonvlction by ihem, be expciled from thd ' CONSTITUTIONAL\\MENJ>MENT«. Ai(Tic T .K 10 —AU amendments or additiona to the preBent Conotitution m ust be a pproved by aveneral meelinft of the League. 1 Adopted, Hooolulu, thi» 4th diy of March,f 393. t