Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 666, 21 Malaki 1893 — HAWAIIAN PATRIOTIC LEAGUE. CONSTITUTION. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


j Whereas vital changes in our Country have iaken j pUee. whieh m»y affect its Independence and the | Civjl Righteof itsSubjectß and Citizens, thereby rendi ering ind»BpenBable a c»ii)pact. and zea|ong Union between all men wholovc the Country. irrespective of j Party or fcreed. I Therefore. Resolved that We, the patriotic, peaeeful and loyal Subjects and Citizens ofJlawaii nei, for the purpoBe of peacebly guarding our Civil Rights, | d<f hereby form ourselves into a League, underthe followirtg*Constitutioii: i" NAME. ! Article I—The name cf this Association shall ;be the HAWAIIAN PATRIOTIC LEAGUE | (Ka Hui Hawaii Aloha Aina). ! OBJECT. Article 2 —The object of this Association is to preserve and maint»in, by all iegal and peaceful meatis ai.d measures, the Independent Āutonomy o{the [ Islands of Hawaii nei; and. if the preservatiou of our | Independeoce be ren\lered impossible, our object shall then be to exert all peaceful and legal efforts to secure for the Hawaiian People and Citize}is the oon- | tinuance of their Civil Rights. | DIVISIONiS. ! /Article 3—The League shall consist of one Cen- ; tral Bod/ in Honolulu. vnth Branches in the various ! DiBtricts of the other Islands. I MEMBEIISHJP. | AitTicLE 4 — (a) All the Natives of this Country, j over 20 years of age. who are willing to pledge ; theniselves to the objects of this beague, are eligible for memberßhip thereof and may become mem- ; bers by signing this Consfcitution. ! (b) All enjoying or entitled : to Ci vil Rights m this country, aneiin sync>i>athy with ! the objects of this Aesociation and wiiling, to pledge I themselvcB to it, by signing the Constitution, may be '■ admitted as llonorary Menihem. j ORGAN [ZATION. I Aktri.e 5 — The Central Body of the Patriotic | L§ague shall rule over all the Distnct Branches t and Bhail be condncted by the following officers: 1. Honorary President. 1. Pi*6ident, 2. Vice-Presidents, 1. Secretary, 1. Treasurer, Andl3 Councillors who toget jer, ehall conBtitute an Executive Councii of 19 menabers. AIl thes« Officers must be native Haw« iians and muftt be elected by B»llot, for such term of office, as may be provided in the by-laws of the Lea;ue or Council. . The Distnct Branches shall elect their Chairman, Vice Ohairman, Secretary and Yreasurer, and shall appoint one Delegate to represent them before the Central Body in Honolulu, whieh Delegate shall have a right to attend the meetir.g of the Executive Couneil and of the League. HONORARY OFFICERS, Article 6 — Foreign >[embers shall be elected. by the Executive Council, to the lollowmg V)onorary offices: 1 Honorary Pres,ident, 2 Honorary VicePresidents, 2 Honorary Secretaries, and 7 Honorary Councillors, ormore, as may hereafter be determined by the Leagiie. These Honorary Officers ēhall eonstitute aa Advisory Council who shali sīt and vote with the Executive Council. : DUTIES 01 V OFFICERS. Article 7—The duties of the various officers shail be thūBe pertaining to the respeetive offices, as is j uBual in all simil»r organizations, and shall be more expreBsly defined in such by-lawsas mav behereafter adopted bv,the Executive Council. MEMBERS. Article 8 — Meetings of the League ahall be called bv the President, *\ the reques» of the E\ecutive Council or of anv other ten memberB; Meetings of the Executiv© Council shall be cailed by the President at the re]uest of any three meuibere ofsaid Council; All proceediugs of meel ingB of the Lengue and of the Executive Council shn II be governed by theusual decorum and riiles of Parliamentary Usage. . EXPULSIONS. Articf.k 0 — Anv iiQtmher of the League or of its ExtHīUt ive Councily who niuy eoiiimii an act vioiatir>g the npirit aml pur|Hises or this Leagu* iuav he summoru>d tlic Kxo<Mitiv ' Ooiiiu'i!, mikl upon eonv:cti<ni bv theni, l>Of !>om tlie-L«> \giw. ('ONH TITCTIONAIV AMEXi)MEXTS. Au»i« .... lo — All amendments or ajtlit;pns to thc ptfsent ( 'onslitution mui.t be appi\ vld by u ger.erai meeting of the ( L*;«gu<\ I -Adop.ted, Monōlulu. 4ta d;iyujMah h.