Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 581, 11 Nowemapa 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


That Di\ H?dt bu botQ Imkl to stoU thmi th«y htd U> ftgr«e tn »i!ow th# Mtr*h*l m hi? oAioe,

what ie right bat -9* 1/ s»tiM thāt the bretkres &re tao mueh nnder tbe os*itrol of ooiii for pnneiple. x i That Wm, \\ r hite of Lahaina. is aceuBed of fo»tering evil meaBares • against good morals, aida petitioas was circuLated ngainst his proposed attempts; bnt William iuakes no profeßgion of nghteoasaegB as does Dr. H. whn has attriboted the growth of iinmorality and yice to the Manhal, whom, aocording to f hiB theolog/, is a chiJd of the devil. } However, accordTdto brother lior- t j rinB political creeds, the devil is a | good bed fellow for a minister of a church at times. May the eopartuership receH'fe* a fitting rebuke some day. The majorlty has bcen discarded :bv the liefor«u> Boodlers. aiid has received a Btnb trom its J'ite reforai-iadhērents froai whieh it will never recover. That Harrison Potts combination are havinga monkey and a parrot time with the Liberal. Go ahead. We don't mtend to stop vou. • : That the frenzv that seszes the editor, when he writes_ up '*the I'otts gang" is reallyamosing. That tbe crowd of voung hood< lums who infest the vicinity of the band when ever it plays» are qoite nnbearable; thjoir noise sometimes making it nēxt to impossible for one to hear the band. The attentlon of the authoritiee has been drawn to this before. That the Advertiser says C*ar Wilson must go. Thut morality and vice have reache<l a clim&x. We shaU discuss such evils as' soon as i space wiil allow. • - ~ r '- ■ ■ That Hon. \V. O. Smith was infttalled as attorney general. dnriag tbe readiti*of Ab Act to Reconstru.ci the Judiciary. This would make a subline Reform miniBtir* andwilh A. S. Hartwell • m Envoy will confirm the runnor that lhetat* ter is to go to Washinstop to hypcthecate tbe gOTermneiit % and aell harbor of Puuloa. That as a bait the Queen will be ei:oouraged to visit the Chieago SxpoBiuon early in the spring 0f1893. That Mr George K. Wiloo* wiU reūre ftom hla poaition in' the CabiMlaft» di9 moomi ia o*er » of Mr. Mandbn |tl andif - poaaihk Mr. W. O, Smith wUlUk* MrOcUßrown « pa«ition h Attorn#y Ge<ieraU That thia is prohahK we ha*e erery wnon to ha* Ueve. - •