Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 580, 10 Nowemapa 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


That the refjrjn .wine' 01 ihe I-eg-is!atnro. pure and unatlulterated have found it «"juiie convenient to alio'>v t.:ie Hotise to go on u-it,h pnU-. ! lie >>««iness imobstructed. - ! ' . . | That the old adage that a leopard |can never change his spots has j heen vcrified Jately ia theactioji of [human leopards. I , i i | That tne Cabinet has agreed to j keep .O B. \Vilson in, as Marshal. ! on eoniiihon that the Queen would ' j give way and allow Hon. G. X. Wil-.'i | cox tc l>e the hea i of the Cabinct \ I instcad of Hon. Cecil Brown, , f— • i ! That the Queen has shown more j j pr;ncij>le than the Reforin Partv. That the Advertiser is eating < ! <l:rt.--anu Hen v y is trying to saveit. | Thni Miesionary i>; hi'i+iU is onee ' '»n the sr«n;too. i # Tha.t ; wiilu> ren »w>;. a la Thurston. T.ii- ; iie s.uue "pVincipie M thaf ! nl in th* v >r<i* Pnri v ( bv»f.»r<» r»iil be axid that ' Ceoil Ūrown wili have the opjK»rtuurv t v uxiw wha* C. W. A«hu>rt{ . <!:«! i ( t »e paijt. Th.vt \'-$ō ?u \ n\id,-rs ih* U ?form i Y **\x Ni.ean* o>i *he cmrd scal». Ti«a: ~preteti«se" ie vr»e betier term io applv t*> Ui* r>releode<l friends cf pO|H)l«r governuient. i

Th&t ffee Libōrale are in»Hed ōooa mor<», and are eiaoiieh «gaii»si all lying eombinationB based upon tho repa:eBfintfttioK, — - That Ceeii Brown forroed the Cabißct, a,nd all Haiil the Co»tra17* is aMown right. fabrication made out of whole cloth. That it le a that Mr. P. C. Jones would not accept a Cabinet, as maeh as the story that he l so loved Boston that he wonld j.never again retnrn to Hallslojah ! | That it is not true that Thurston | aent for Peter Cushman to return ! and feaat upou the government | carcass at the *»xpense of the puhlie. j | That the Queen has conceded noj thing to the "Majority," and that the i "reform"section of the majority has j willingly sacrificed those who have i stood bv ihem, because the Cabinet j made entirely of t; reformers," ! That it is true and quite con?istI ent w?th ( the generally accepted j pnbiic oj,inion. that W. 0. Sinith vand Thurston had m»t the courage .[■ ■■ 0 of their convictions: