Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 439, 23 ʻApelila 1892 — The Memory of Cook. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Memory of Cook.

Tlm — ar w»U nlnwHi bjr iniaaMaMy AwMin, tk*t OaoUia Oook "*eem< aad Iko wkfekl*MftMr «M |aU «MMMIhiS «mU leß* >■ im ffcs4i W*Y*«» «WWSWij «W «®gr HpHI «I* 1l»lnmof. » »» «rttMi*Mis« «hw» c«M* OMI MĪ hattar kMiw, «mU m* i ■UMMH>tb«MM«i*. Tk*ft« $;:tiHi iim>ilwi rimitf m c*]itolii ; ; OMk 1 * «MMrr. hM k* «MMS 4afHMM4 Uk« »Mr •» ottMr labfiMtiMhM takM im*m4 eanooi fee oeiMā TrffliiHffit difniīndff ing the ml«skMMii7 kieMmi whe have been the grwi tradscBrB. C«pt«in Cook epent mneh of hii time in the Bouth Paeiile Oeeaii, around New Ze&!and and Attetra« tit f and from BasB' Straits on th€ South to Torres Straits m the Nortb df the (ireat Australian M>i.tinenl the recordof his deeui is thst of a huniane uian. He spent monthi at ono piaee, Morcocnhe Bay« m th« North of Queensiānd. where one oi his ships the ' 4 wai beaehed fbr repairs, and it i» reoorded that he lmtod the nativea most b«manelr.