Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 439, 23 ʻApelila 1892 — Canadian Annexation. [ARTICLE]
Canadian Annexation.
Some of the Cauadian politicians now ftay that the aonexation que»> lion —f i. polilieal fuaion of Catiada with the United St:i'c«B in« volyea a civil war. We <I<»n J t b«jlieve there will be auv wrir. bsie<ve that Cunada wiil run T,lth the lJiiiteii Hiaiea just ni ine sauie natjral raanner u* a woman eiopes wuh another wotnanV busband. But civii war anyhow ia the leaat abotninable kind of tnilitarjr Btrife inaaiuuoh as it must be direci*d, more or less, bjr pqpular impulaeo and express the rival wiUa of two strong aeeUona of one pk. Hc»reovtt dvil war, bjr)ooa!is* ing humaa saffering t tenda to keep iilimited, a« comnared with the woe ihat maKi from,aay, aFra&eoOemao slAti|ster, heoaua» if a m Bbo<& his £UW when hia hadpeoß to be ehooiin* Mm> ihey woepiDgwidow everf braoe of «amloM «ip AWt Jbe two Hpum tet» of &wUy htto>vc«wmo. Ako tito corp«®ain ihe tetmoo kvo lbt «HMmHoii of tbey dMat M owe wlmtacyi Hik lbr a pHMipl» Um? kmm tfco oHwr| — ;i "T r e r ijrfi|i ■loinu iiiin oonviotioa w«at k? aiM flwn tfc» l*oaafa* •wi if Um]t M •«» (|««nn ofMy NMo«fcriftiiiliaßto. T)mm lMt ww«
fvrder awi «acw»p£s ;^īt;-:;^3f?