Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 438, 22 April 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]
PRINCIPLE OF OOVEKNMENT AXĪ) CONBTITUTIOX . 1. We d«em mat aU Gov*nimei!t ehonM be ioamM ou th* |>r))tcipk>B ol Liberty, Kqoftlity an«i Fr»ternity; we bol(| thatall naen are txkrnire« aQ<i eqiml be£ore the law c,nd are «*nd vetl with inai;eu&bl<» ri£ht? 10 to liberty, to projK»rtp. lo t£e »ur?uit of an<l to sell'-protection oguinst arbitrarv concentratioa of power. irreeponsib)* wekiUi, and unfair comp«£tk>n. We be> lieve that just governmeht eurts oaly by the conwnt ol the Ptoopie. aad thtt, wiien it heeonee necewary !or tke pablie welfara, they may aholiah exlstlßg lorms <nd«ftoblW seoeeedv*nlaaeoee aiid eqnitahl» eyBtem; and, aa Uie preeent Coaetttutlon oi th§ Hawaiian dom neTN> has bad the approval oftto , b«t wm «ateldMad fcr iaiiniditka and fvmad for the benefit ol a eenaia elan, thmim we fim tbe •Mon ef a aew ud more liM Ooa stitutkm, to tru!y nean a Goverom«at Vwliepie, thePeopleand>»rtfee pM^k UHMFSKDSSCS OF THfi CXV|T»T»Y 1 Oniol coneideratten ter tbeinhe»tn popwlaiion, wn rfirnfm tn mlahi the Ur lan» »1 pn»mt{ toonrTKrt*aa with ¥to*iga hm and witk the U»Hed Btatoa A«nrlea, iS22iiywr teeW #ith,lliW,f JUDiaA&Y ESFOfUIB S. o»Jajieto «ad €Mi«t IW«twre m«K be enbtahtad to a Hwt* MMi»ii»t>i ropb; a«d n mii raaf«Mit liMlMN|MMintf of i>ttcb any Umi itw.