Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 438, 22 ʻApelila 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Tliat General New&n had better fiad out tbe loeal omeepoodeati qi tbe Aeeociated PtM and fili him op with bftt gin ae the eaid eoma* pcmdeat giree tbe oommaodereldp of tiie anny to Chief Wileon.

That if the Generai will eend ne a barrel oi German Beer, we will give him the name —in confideno6.

That Basirs Royal Hmglish is tmly organic anel «ouode of the deep diapason.

That two doliars a ton for freight by the W. H. Ditnond, is s)ightly differer.t to two do!!ars and fiftv

cente for twenty«two pounds in the steamer. The difference we presume eomee from the steamer receiving a subsidy of, two thousand <iollars.a month. A iittle opnosition from the fast Canadian Pacific Line would l>e an excellent antidote for this state of mis-camage of freightB to and from foreign parte.

That all subsidies and monopolies should be discourasced hy the Legißlatofs the in eomio* eeaaion.

That quite a number of members of th<i last Legislature will sadly miss the opportunity of serving elien'a in Committees. That one old veteran of the last Legi4atnre hn.ving seoured tlie exchange of Crown Land J,oases for one of thirty yer.rs, is quite eontent to 9tay out this ti:ue. Ttiut a,tax sucii as is ■ le*. .od in other <.'Quntries shou!d be placed upon unuBod iaiv«ls. whieh are iw \ iheM-for sueculrttive purposes an<i | to r rir.d tho p >or. That the banks are wiiling to adinit a third one here to advance money to sinking sugar - barone, an<l thus get back their investment and advances; but for this object, another lot of jannissaries wouM be in existence to-day, ifit were posbible. That the B&nfc's War Contin* gtnt, ntid«r cotnii*aod of an old r®vt>lutionary soldi€r, is not filiing up fest> owing to the knowledgo ttat it il ta be in support oi a oonpk of miths — Vuloan and Vftnt»s. mta drsd|t«r h «p «and, it will %sk% MiHl 4by and night, about a ooalMi to d«spis niid*ter. !Biil wa tlUl bave oar doubU wb«th«r ii wUI be w«rk at all. Tb«t tba OMtoel mad«bytltBMahot*Miait4tf, the otb?r pi*ty to ekint! |tb«t are not to* dig away «Ay coral, erapt "eoeal puMl.** \Vbtl

is cor«i s;iim! ? WeU. as said: I gues« it ine&iis on!y & big ioop hole for tbe contraelorB to ileeee the pnblic ptir«e, and titue And iuvettigntioii may prove it.

That tbe dredger pafsle« to the cogtr*ct aeed oot fear tha& Uie Leo's EemreB6«itative !a the Eooee wiil be jmt on to any inve*Ugatteti OmuniUee. Tbe frknde ef Uie people <tue ws&aM naia'e) mmf be iojared — «ily lawyer», wlth elim l©t*g &n§ers, ftnd eM« eieelie eooeoienoee «it to •oelij««k — it ie a pmMon, a liii '&oā? witii them, daa*t y«r moiad.

That thave were fie<e iawyer» Ihal eeaeialoii» opiim in*veetlt|ā» Uaa eeqi«itteß iael ueeiiui, and we know, tisat while tbat Committee was p!aying with the &ete in Uie matter, the ealpnU were haddled te§eth«r for h<mr», ready to fiy in a echooner prepa*ed for that objeot, and when oneof them acUng aeninner, in and anaouneed that his last appeal had eaved them, there was joy in the eam^. That toiir of the lawyers, who figured largely on the orig<nal opium inveetigation coramiWs in the Legislature of 1890, did nol receive an eleeiion, nor even a party nomination ihxs year. *' That the ex honorable from Makawao ia an applicant for the vacant judgeehip.

That the followiog are among ihe app]icants for the vaoant jndga» ship on Maui: J. N. Kalua, Wm. H. Halstead, C. H. Dickey, M. Kepoikai, D. Kahaulelio, J. L. Kaulukou. and C. L. Hopkine, and others too numerousto name. The first three were stricken from the list at sight. N. Kepoikai is now leading ini the race by a length il folioweil in n buneh in the follow!iing order:C L. Hopkius J. L. Lau- ; lukou and D. Kahaulelio.

|| Tbatnbout thirty-five thou*and lldollars.of pubiic monevs. has been spent for bui.'ding the breakwater, ||a eompanion fraud to the drfdger. |Tbat wouid be at the rate of thirtyjflve dollars pen foot.

i Tbat the Bulletincannotexplain why the Mahope whieh bas been completed two montbs agt* is still a matter of experiment and not delivered over to the government. Wby?

I That Uie Constitutiott of onr n«w RepubHc has one popolar idoa io it, and tbat iia one man OM vota« irmpactiv« of tbe man? nulii iad asseē b« majr bave.

i That Mr. Lnoaa baa gona in to Iha )iqnor hnainw, i. a., (kaline it oot for tb« banaftt of anti-probi-Miioniela» and bts raiationB wbo do lakaa nip. '■ =

! Toftt opiam •mo&lin* is imon*eeeU briaffing tUiw«d to go roi)tr«r? to Uw. A Mi«r of oH6ttaMMf &*s bwi enabM to Ny mi imliiMlia i fiim fcr tkirty Uio«MWBd <Wkur», aad UmU boro weald bav« Ua& i «iiUemiiw, but for Wonoa «ad

~ Th*t *£ lea«i *ras p#id to feĀ<r« sk of 4ope affieialB from Nlttg doHtif Ust Lifgitic|Qm That £ft*ii's Oxen kye aojr fim ou 'ea» but th*v £i!M te dmw the Tahleqafth tdam t amd 4 Che*BO*qua tkjebkfiii<i unio t Veriiy »y Son, thi* Ammikam em* tio«fttis mtm& &r thee. Hie 11*» lolkapMi w»ter oi the Paeßfes SBsā 6B thsNttf rsisii»g aoa(m«nl«l sii aeiib» *& Hssb ahy B»ril 4 «8,A hmjfM »7 Ihpellwwwß*ltil Ooe ior &iceßwy. «w fer tb M»id )»kL