Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 438, 22 ʻApelila 1892 — letin Royalty Logie. [ARTICLE]
letin Royalty Logie.
Tbe Bulletin is constantly on the hunt for terrible ezamples of corruption dnd other scare-crow illoBtration whieh will deter tbe pubhc from hoping for any moral improvement under any kmd of government outside of our heave:iborn form of monBrchy. It eometimee gets hold of a =boomerang whieh returns and liits the edito« rial ehainpion of iuonarchy bad, and layß him and h'is subject out.! The fol lowing from Wed ne«day 's BuHetin i«a case in point: ta Pretid#iit Harri»on has.disnnfsed from office C. M. Leavy, chief appraiser in the customs service at | San Frandsoo, for partic»patiou in| amuggiiog. The extent oftbe frauds in whieh Leavy was concerned i® | bebeved to be great and the period covered by them a long ono. Thi§ | TriBoo inoident is comtnended to i those who believe annexation or an | independent republic is all t hat is nectmry to inaugurate the millen* nium in Hawaii." It may be due to a perverse instinct on our part that we believe as matter of oom, that our eonieinporary cannot epeak Um trnth, as tbe truth is not in him. Th« well paid ehaaipkm of royaltf a»d iorth oooipieii* eoil/ In thk •Bmtoo. W« will ua4«talM to «omh Hn aoMl obttqottr oTUm BdU* kjr printta|{ tb* Kw ililmlh— to bt 4tum fl—lUwilwlnll «f C. M. Lwwy l»y»h> I*' Th» ilwilwl «f Mr. Lw*jr 4W «|i|ii«l— ak «k> *K «f Sm IW«Imo, fcr liin& .ia «h *ilmm "īt 4» IM Ml tf KMHMi H afan* ki «I» Ua*ad BMm inw* «m>> niMih
In contr..«t to tbis action of the President of a Republic in poniaking malfensance of oflice, st«nd6 Ihe ojjen corruption of monarchial Ha* waii where offlciala notoriou9ly oorrupt are retained in office »n defianee of pablic opimon. Poor Bulletin, tby poveriy in Truth shoaMbe very embarrasing to the cause ol Divine Right O, listen to onr ol woe! Repoblkaaiem has cotgot a «how 'GainBt royal earaal ehaai ; For eweetßolletln trathroWme (Whieh ©ttgbtto"Eßttli«iV'<w«ryti««? Hie " Reps ' doo't care a 1 Oaak*