Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 438, 22 ʻApelila 1892 — A Growing Idea. [ARTICLE]
A Growing Idea.
The idea of armexation savB the Boston Gīobe, as quoted by the Bulletin, last Wedne«iay. appears to grow in favor with jounalists in the United Btates. "Amenea will tr/, in all ; fiur and reaeonable ways, to make it pleasant and pro9perous for her t if her anne*ation idea is f 4 nally realized." How pleasant the idea of realizing annexation to the United States must sound to the down-trodden and disfranchised Hawaiian. The oil that ran down Aaron's beard eoukl not nave b*en more p!easing to the old Baint, than does the eound of a smoother and pleasanter prospect for the future of Hawaii, no matter in wbat form. The people of Hawaii feel ihe degrdation under whieh they live, and Uie abosēs heaoed upon ihem; and whenever anything is utteired whioh gives hope ot better and cleaner government it naturally them €&mfori.