Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 437, 21 ʻApelila 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


I - . -.1 ■ I'KlNni'].!-: f>F «i(>VKKNMK\'T A\i> ' (>,n^T:Tr no.N . V»> tha: ;iii r.* Mi. •i«i "!1 Tlr«» ».r'•:'.•}!»!*•> <jf i.ilnvty. ■?»»;••; Frrirvrsj4y; «:! ;i!t" ><»:'. '»■ U-.'.'P*' tl." iuw m*! 1 1 :ir«» »'u l v .' ~!»» | is»:>. ♦•nal'li' :iiiht* :•> l:f**, •■: » • loiu'i. j., *.» >i( i ; a»i'l :< :i -:j «iL'ai!)!-ī urhitr::rv ; ci»!:#v:itrati<jii' i "i ii-2VMr >n«il.i*? j 'wahik, an«l 'iniiui.- c«»n»i»«'iivioi:. ■ \Vv "m» j ;hat ju>t 'vvr:iiiiisil *-\>t» « niv ; bv. Iho vor>eiit oi tiiv lVc»| ie. aiul ; wlu'n it beeomes" ne«t'y<ftrv i:>r tlie pu'»>- ; lu* wi>lfare, thfry mav ahoi&h ex:>tinir 1 forms and «Ptahlinh mrsrr aVU*a,ntagvouM I an«i e<juitahlv p\>te:n; u»l, m the pne> ;>K*nt Con«t!tution of t h« H?*vaiian Kin#» ! <toni never bas ha«l the appro>*al of the I*eo»i!e, l»«t >va» eBtabU»Kled hv i»timi* [ vlation a.ui friud for the beneūt of a | certain clara v themore we favor tli« ; a<loptjo»> of i» uew ami more liberml Con- | f»titution, ?o truly e*cnre a Gov©mment |vf Uie lV«»}»le, |.v the I eopW tiadfrr the | PwA»le. | | INI)KI»KNDENCK OF TIIE CX)UXTEY i) 2. Ontnfconai«leratioalorUieiiih«mi j righta and pre«ent «kpNiioiia of th« na* tive popnlaikm.i w« 4»reir* to r*tain tfce iMlepeiKkiiee of t!ie Co«otry and 6efced ili autononiv. under a lib*f*l «atf pewh lar form of gov«rniu«nt; bst««rlMiß vith PoniM lfft*wt, anl willi tbe Vnto*\ Buitoa o! ihooki bo raviMkl % wmlo bett«r īawl pre«ni« nee«Kitle« aml to obtaia more eqtūtab)ea«lv«iitpcas m exchafigeottho«e franttd by oa. | jrTDICIARY REFOR3fS 3. Our JtHiid4rv 9y*t#m atxl CoOe oi PrtH<e<iure mnst | be BubaaiUed to a tborouflh revinio». eoae te aenn a cheu> aad j»rocnpt adaii)»iBtraUoci ol jnetk«,free of afl s*ct*riaa or paOaaa #pirit, aiwl to render ihe JtHine nove 4kr*hty retipoMiiUe to the Peopie; a»d we are ia »vor of a more )iberal of Coovtitutiooal *l tl»e faedoai of apeeeh aad the preefe.

■ nmomw* 5. We «hAil tt**> 011r lk»« by w! h'U *|l fov\»ritisa> ia i *rume»t a»«i n{\ tu >i»o lW jlie*, imHa Aiii.''; ; : r4dvUn*(M! to l i»h»l} k|» rrhiUrel itnpo>&U«*, by f«U, doStai4e »nd inatuioti>rv #iAtut«»s. i»K«rrKCTiON TO !lOU£ IX-Dt>TKi|-:s 7. We are in Cavor of eno<mrßgiiif all liome ftgncoltare &nd mdv>!trie«, amkii our nat!v« prodticto, līke ri<«, infiiM r wooi, tob»rco, t?lL\ ehoulii be iiinl fniiilmil iiji |ni>|'i i liii iIT i#liliHl'tii, and ako H mup* be the 4atr ths Gw« me»t, in ita «ontmct« ud oth#r opem» tk»a t to give prefer«we to na*k»al }>«>• dwiti over imuerted enee. LOCAL B£LF*G<>VEBKKI£St R. We deeire a motre iHiera) policy U+. wardc the «liffeve»t l«iandeo( tMe Kiag~ do«. o«teide of Oaba; tbev ahoakl re» oeive a l*ir©r prepertlcm ol the pmbiie mor -t for the d*v%lopni*i!to( th»ir n--9onrir« and the eatkplKtirsE of tlieir wants. In fact, the princifde ol kmi, $elf-£overniiie&t thofi!d be €>stended f wh*rel)y givii»« focaiitie» m«y elioeee iiie ni'»j»t importaut of thelr li»cal ©m*utiv«j oilieei*,. a;:»l lfvy taxcs for the jH}r}ioee loi al jmr»r»»\Tpiwem» oi a pubfic iwtttr«. SMALL KARML\(* ANU IiOME STEADS. 10. Tiio wealt}iy fra< lior. of r>ur f«op»ia.io» huvi» hitl«»rt«» i*r«*vetiUHltlio<k«velop-nu-nt »)f «u cia.-s ol' <-iti/en«; t2i«* ■|»u![)!h* li'.iniW lutvt* liwii aud v.avt? >v: :i .ti«l • U|» iti tVtv- hiiwip'" i,t :»nr<viKil to m : t iavorit<ti, aiui !:irtiu»r> aiu! i'luntvrp h;ive iH*cn «lr»wn »ut V»y c«>ri»oratn»tiB f>r «•! i*ai»it:*it- ; >ut :if- trr«Ih< !\4' ,•> ti»e M:ihilityof tiiti Statc, ?t " s!..»uM ju» «•tjvoiirfty:« i <l l>v a )u-\v ."*td niōre li»h ral Uotiici«tcmi art, br wiieh .tV.ov.nvrHhin nf >ntā3l tmts of iand a.ul the ttleiiH'iit thvre<>!i «•( fnrniUes •>! »»nr i.n ycnt lv <#t t)>c native liaumiai?» who have hm i n U'U ahno*t honi«i??e in t!ien?cour.-try-f»htiuKl he rendered pdta.bfe. To | that ui»«i. ihe t>oy«roii)ei)t atid C»-own > !amls, ( in so far ae ean l>e dono withoot invadtnK veftedrifhte ) should bedemiwl Bā fe*mn a? iHM»ible to homretcads. and oonierced upon boaa-fide eettkfa fr**e nf Uxee for a limitcd p«iod. It Shouid be the further aim <4 mm\t to, at onee, m far inipro?e the nweanaoi transportr tion,—ioeal, aaOoaai «nd i nternat4on«U ,—«8 to provide t ha ' ali the dietricts* eheap meana of convey» ing the prodnct of the eoil to markK. KLECTORAL RIIIUT. U. \\> hoki that upri£htimd h<meet manhond. and not the poeweeioo of 1 wealth, arhitrarily fbted, should-con«ti> I ehe rijsht to vote i<»r i:oblee ae weii ae i repr"sentßt:vcs. and no more power ; i*ii4•<;}«! !** |n tiie ha!lot of the r:cii niin ihan to tln« l«li»t -of th<; ? muii. r f h<" dis* riiuitut ion ;n :-favor ; mj ~\x tv.lt h nmv h).id<* ;n otir ron*;ttutk»u j .v< i.i:!r:try td nll thi* <»U-r;uii )»t ». «»!* rlvr-l».t -iivi«i-Urv r.n»! mr . t !.v ' <hl. Tt. this <*ti«i, \v«- Wi!i f:ivjr a >!'pv,|. hii' <-.. *i:e pri-.«fjjt eiioii ..t wosh;i si» 1 • .a--»*- 'A.iiiii il« tivsh t»r.r Utv s • 'iih iv—tt { <•:' i\ tt > ri :l.r to vr»te inr iio» r.'ry. tl.t n-'.y T>n».»n:ivf to the nativ- ; ii:n\aii;::v< j»rivU<-£»v! \\hirh p<Ttr) ; n to ; r!ivi:riii tl»i'ir owr. f.»un!ry, an»i <■: vxhich ;!u'y iwvt-ĪH''.!i tt!i|»ihtlv tJ<'t>riv<il. ! INTKHNAL IMIii()Vi;MK.\TS ! 1- We !>vor <h<» ex}<eiiditnre of *ufl. j rient ►ni.i!» to wcurc a numher <»f m<e<icd i puhlie imprt)\vment* on Oaho aml other ; i*lands; K hool, railrnadp and harbora i and wharvee, pnblic līght, and a)aa a i tliorough Hyatem of reeervoira and | water*works ( notouW lor Hoocdid«, bot : tiironehronttheother lelaade. PUBUC SERVANTB. 6. Better lawa aiiouUl Ngutat* Ūw Cinl Service. The prii»biple of the tion oi ollkere of the goveros2€&t bjr th«* people shooid beeetab!3ahed, aad ■© iiua ahoiiM be allowed to hold aaore than one ©ffiw of profit, whilel aalanee ahonW be adafm«e oouperatton lor theaarvkse reedered. All exeeesdve ea* Uriea ikaekl be redmd awl all eiae PROTECnaN TOTH£ LABOURIKQ CLABB£S *. We ehall eadana aU «aaaem leodi&8 to improre the eoadHioii el tke <mt iniariaf aay veeled rigMa> we wIU advocate lawa lo piewal aK Nidwr taft» portatK» er eappleyßkeat el ceatnet* laNw ol aay kbd, npo» renditini)i whieh will britt* H iato a naimm aad <iegradlag eowpetitta with free Hawm iaa or whHe laber« We ehailalao, m the ietf«tet of the be«fter mnleilii* ef the poe», aek fer m* iiheeal of tkefar prepeeiy tnm ieroed «0» m m fre» «niam !• bankv«pley