Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 437, 21 ʻApelila 1892 — Opera House on Saturday. [ARTICLE]
Opera House on Saturday.
Miss von (»erichten promisep a very entertuining evenins: at the Opera Houee 011 »Saturday n€*t. Miss von (ieriohten wiil perfbrm on the violin aixl p.iano and will alao dance a saiiors honipipe and as the lad/ is the hapj>y ;>ossesßO of youth, beauty and aoharminpi fi(s«re we propose to take in thc whole of that j>erformanee, and thr whole of KA I.Kt> staff echcK-s the S9nfiment, aud will ;;o and do liUewise. . Absi>rfo« d. i:i Mivs von rich--1 ten ;'.B a \vlk.l" terp?ecty«jrean «nnd laleni, we liad almost forgot!»*ni'U> ■ tn»;ii?.ion. t!»:U §he will il»v tho l>t*st • loc:il artists in to >nrui" . vcrv <•!< v r \V<' w>ii !*<:.?■ ii . !.' ■ ■■, ' I: ■ ■". ■ ■■,!.