Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 437, 21 ʻApelila 1892 — KEEP THEM OUT. [ARTICLE]
Tho above words r.re the ik'p.u- ! ing to an articlc in th<* S. F. Kx-1 aminer of tbe 12th inst. ileaiing j with ehineee exclusion as emOolieii! in the Cieary hill whieh has passeti the Houee of RepreBentatives. The | foliowing quotation was given from I the Scw York Svn % &s iiluBtrating the logic of some of the Fastern |iapers on this vital quefition. It «o nearly rej>resent the thought? anel partially e*iiregseu fentliuenta of certaii» ;o'f■our*own ruiers thnt r,e ,print it: '• Tiie n ni-<'h:r.es» ext !i;: <; f\rv .owrshoou : nt!-the- is:ar<; wiiew th<f>y trv to kffp oi;: :ill w'no ;i:c| not rf ij*;\;ivos ei' ♦!»•?.. i 1 (io'.'emni'-wl. T!»<'tv i» .:m:n 1» n.oim!» s»l*»»»t ii!" 'i < )»iiK»c.r i.: elhni alr»M.i\\ nu.i ♦hm* niv-.l'«•!<?>-. llunj;:;ri;'.n v . :m<i lavidett :it \U:e> j><»rt wh«» :»re hiorf'V obiwtionabic umi -inon; <l;inp..'riuy< in»ini'jranis than ('l»::»esi- w<*r J»ivn. 'L'hi*huo;u»<i cry aEalrvs; ■■īh«» ("iiinrse :: ludicro.ua-. in view «>f ! the fucX tt»;it cri:i»inats and pav;per" jfrom Kunpe lmvo eliimpeel upon o\ir shores for years withont I mueh ]»rotest or onjection. and thax | other than Uhinepe havo | b«'en nliownl witiiout restnct»un to jconimtvj with Amenean laW.*' , The wouhl have some tw> | hle to explain why the Eumpean races menti. »e<l *nre more 'da:His?,r*' • ous th.in the ('hineae have ever 1 atūl thcrefore it lia» not un<tert iken the task. ()nc thi;ig, however, is certain, nn«i it ;i«, that :Califomh% is now l*nckf*d up by CongreBS in supp3rt < f Chinese exeluaion» and lroni th,U VK>sition neither Califbrnia ne»;* th« *Umt*d $tatet will ever rec<Hie. j ♦ * * * j An entvrprisiiig at:»eteur has »eftt i vis three wixen i».v:iure* of the Am- | erlcAn Minister chaperoning an Amenean Adniiral to the I*aiace on a etate oeeaaion, driven by a ehinene eoāchni#n. " llow does this harmonize with the strenuous eflTortsof the Am"rican i>eopio in difoour.iging Chinese competition
|iin ine lab«»r niarkv-:, : '' a»ks oiirtcorj!repjw«Hlcnt. We phall bave mueh i-!»;jsure in ftct v edinft to our frion(l« I ro'(uest to forv,ur«l thrtf«e photo(B to i our Aincricttn t\\ehang«i. ;We , must t&v that A«liuiral Brpw.n I wear«» ?i v»*ry "t'ur a»vav" look as he I »its hehinel his.country*B Amba»iiadI er's Chinese Jehu. I