Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 437, 21 ʻApelila 1892 — A Printers Plea For Annexation. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A Printers Plea For Annexation.

\\"ehave.-juit received a small case vf fancy ty\>e from the Coast the eoit of whieh is 19.54. On thi?» thē maintainance ef our preci.>us and glorious ihdependence taxe? us as a royalty of «niedollar aseoneul'e fee in San Franci{*co: Two dollars and lifty cents as another royalty in the Honolulu eustom House, and another <iollar royaltv as dutv. In additiou to this our lot < } f type weiī:hing t wcnty two pounds is i harged for freight two dollarH aiul fift v < ents. lf ihin is the f*ehedule rate of ihe Oeeanie S. S. ('o. we i'on't sec how thev ean havet!w ga!', t..» ask fōrnsuhsidv from t.he. Hanailan goveniinent. ■> • - ♦ -- — -- 77//V -IMKK "

'oiu UIV r \ , liaeil knows s« ■' about the In-j dians of America. Basil says that j he knows more abont the Cherokce Nation tban Anglo-Aiuenean. I do not dispute the lact, for I take it i that he does. It has been intimated that this same Basil was a teacher among the Cherokee KaUon, and was paid by the United States gov#irnirient to teach the young Cherokee, not how to shoot, but to read, write and cypher, but that he failed in his labora. The Cherokee did n#t take t<» hm*. He is correct when he says he knows tho Cherokee and the latter knows Basil. thiis he ean "apeak v." Basil 4, changed liis rapturous no'eK" whe.i he left Tahlequah, therefore, he is cprrect when 'n» sayp, "I knov.v whereof I speak.'' 'Basil has "raisecd his feeblc voiec-," — lie diū the »au»e at Tahleqnah, with th»; san»e result, possibly. that hio teebie voice wiil have here—' warnin<i the people less thev should aHow the:.iselves to be caught hy unwise and thoughtlees Bentiment." How eonsiderate of Basil, who has notiiitvg at 6take here, but his bread and butter. and a very late arrival on the Isiands, to volunteer his wise OOUnsels to our isSanders, born and bred upon the soil; and who know their wants, and are <*s eapahle as the Cherokee teacher is to know hĪB. B.