Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 436, 20 ʻApelila 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]
OF THBCOUXTRY 2 (>ut ai oon*i<toration for inhereo rightß &i*il |vr«««ut «t|»inkmfi <4 U» n*> I tive v»o <k*r»ir« to rHtia th» fi*lepeiHlrt>ct* of th* Oonntry aml ils autonomy, nndt*r * )it»»rftt «ael pogKt> ;Ur form ol #a\wnnH»iii; batourTr««Uc» ; with Foreign I\»«fre t an<i y««p«vkll I with Iho Pnile*! sut«« oI Am«rit*, «liouM tie r»viwiid. eo «# to lw»ttf»r niMi prmnt w»r«witk»a ind toobtain tnor* equiUbfeit4Yatttagwin «xchangeof Unn pnnd bv ne. | JUDICIARY REFORMB 3. Our Jm!ictinr sy«U« and Co*i« of !V*«(ture niiMi! be »Qbauliad to a thoro«|th revkioa. mai t« imn a rh««p attdprompt adwitiiMr>Uonof ji»tk^ % fro» of alf »ecUri«n or |»ltaaa entrit, «ail U* rMd«r 0» J«dm imi* «rwUjr rw BQMiblttoth» «ad w« ar» in tvror «f iam Hbw«t i&termUUQ« «f OoMlilalkMMl «tawui«M« oftk»!r»tduM of BpMcbtndth«pr«M
v:i i.",: ll "" | i : MommāM - y£. 6. WeM f«o«r M|: v Uw»bjrwhicb»iif «aiWai erameat «m! a>! moaopoHee, UAtiegee to sp«ci«l ctass«s M 'H» iwM itB{KMibb, by aod m»n<hitory statutw. FROTKCTiOK T0 liOMK DJ~ DU«TRIEB , 7. Wo are in tevor of <?nooarafSi*f al. home agnculture and lnduBtrk>« t an&Mi our aeiiaLa pro<incte t - Hke rk-e, " wooi. tobacco, etc. «honW bē prot«?ted and foatered by {iroper tarilf refmlat»oa; and «lso it murt tiie duty bfUi« meat, in its («ntract«i ami oth#r operaiione, to givo preferenc6 to naiionai pro<'act« over imported onea. IjOCAL HELF-Gt)VERNM<SXT 8. \Vedesi«* a more liberai poiiey wenln the «)ilT«ireut IhU*m& of tlie Kingdosn. ouUkle of Oalm; Ui«v ssh«uid re4%ive ,a iairer proportk>n of the puhiie mon«'VB for th€ de\>lopmeMof Ui#ir sonrces and the satiefacitm of. thMr wanta. In fai*fc, the prittdple uf lac^ ( ii»Miid be <-xtemled, wherehy giying locaittiee may ch<>ose tJbe mo«t iraportant of their loea! executivo otfii»rR t aml levy taxe« icr tho purpo3o l«H*ai imx>rovenient(< of a phbjie nature. KMALL FARMING AKI> HOME STEADS.
10. The wealthy irertion of om- popuki„k>n have iūtiierto i»r«*vent«d tl»edeveloj>mcnt> o(an independ«Btr)&Rt eilimi»; ttie pahlie tanda liave been Kcqtt'mi «ad ha\4* Iwen. tied uj> in a ie»* hands or* par<t«iletl to wiit favonte«, aini «uil far>nerri and plantar* h«ve been driven »ut by wnx>rßtioiis or coir bm.it km* of t«i»itali>t«» ; f«it ae nnall innninii ia eon.lt}cive lotae eUbilitv of the StftU*. it «houl<l )mv eiicour*tfed hv a new f»»Kl more lilKTal att, bv wheh tlie.<i\vm*rHhip <«f pmall tr*ctg of laml an<l tUe f»fcttlement theief n oi iamili«b • onr i»n'neut p»|mlation .->an<l e*<][tc«.iali W of the natiw Hawaiiane <aho have heen left alin«ist homele»* in tliereconn-try-»hould 1» rendered po^.hk l . To tl»at end, llie Oovernment aud O r o«i iande, ( in po f.-\r a» ean be done \»it'K>nt iiivadtnK veeted r;jrht<« ) nhonM Im* devafce<t rp as i*>«iible to and confeTed npon bona»{kle m' <n five «f taxeB for a linu'te<i pen
It should betiie further aini oi n i*>ment to, at onee, ko far int]vrov« „be of tran«»portf tk>n,—kn-al, na.Mm* al iind internati >nuJ t —«e to provide, in all the difftrictß, « iieap of conveying the prodnct oi i!>e soil to market. .
F.LECTORAL Rlil(iT 11, W« hol«l that iipright ani hr>ne«t manhorwi, and not 11;« o( ww*lth, arbitrarny fixed, ehon!d r«nti* xhe to vote for uobl4« &a we>l! a» Ti'pr*isenlatn'ee. en»! no hiotp pover 1h» * c t> t!it* bft!lot«.{ ihe ririi min than to *i»«» kilk*t »k>oj man. Tlu» <listriiaination in f«vor of wc*Alti» r,ow mn<hvin our C«ni«tutitioii
is rontn:ry t«» all iho eU-rn;«l jirinrij)U>s oi' iuu' jtjytuv an>i n;;tHt l«'nlw»liyh- ••*!. To thiK \\*' wsll fav>r * i«?wl* iin? ot the •li tf ti: t tiou <if u\*aUh a»id vlassos whioh hU-m»sh our lawa \vith n'V}Krt <>f th«» riuht to vote for n*>hl<»8, th. V«v n pt««rinjr t<* the tuitive Ilaw*aiUn« fmviU'pfi «hieh i t-rtain to Jln»in in tln«ir <*w:» «*o»«oiry, aiui of which they hav« l«en anjuti!v
INTEUNAL IMI'EOVKMENTS 12 We favor tlu» (>xp< mliinm of »ufR« cient>ums tft m ure * nn nber of m>etled puhlie iraprovememn oniiahii and «4her lsland«: w hoo), railrnad* mml h«rbor« a&d wbarve», puhlie liyht, tnd a)w» * thorough pvaWni ot reaervoirs niwl wat€»r-works, not otilv £or Hoaolnla, bat throueb*ont tbe other Utand«. ITBLIC SERV \NTS. 0. Hctter lawst ?hould n<gQltt« tbo Cl- - Service. The prin< iple of the tiun of officert» of tbe }gowmiam% b]r the pe«»ple «ImmiUl be «PtabliBhed t aad ao nutai ahonki be allowed to hokl aon than <me oflßce ol proHt, whilet B*l*l4*B ahoukl be ad*qoate eoeapenaaAlwi for theBar\*iceB re»(ered. AH Uuriea Khonkl be rediieed mml «11 aiM curet cr aapeHliiow offieca aholiohwL PROTECTION TOTHK LABOUR£SQ ClAi&m . We fliall tadoiM all me*anre «Mkding to improve the ct»ditioaa of the vorklngclttiw l aiitl witb«mt injurißC *ny v«e*ed we wHI advoc*te lawa to prevent al! fnrther portatMW or empiurmeiit ot rontrtct» lalw of «ay kM, coadilkNiB whkh will briag it i»to a nuaow u»4 degradliig cowpetiUoe with free Hawa iaa or white labor, We ahall aIM, m tho i«mwt of tha better piilnllw of the poer % a* toe ew» Übefil eawpUw of their pnpwt> frott laml mb m«*