Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 435, 19 April 1892 — KA LEIALII O HAWAII. [ARTICLE]
On Mon<Uy l&st ¬her Hawaiiani daily vm issued, named as »bove, meaning in English * % Tbe Croirn of Hawaii." It fiies for its motto love *of Soverign, Country and People. It is evideutlv a Tory | of the rankest kind, from its motto, and from royal patronage displayed in its eolumne, and the names of royalists on its stock snbscription. AVe have had on ink timation. ever since the election February iast. that something 0f the kind was to bo inagnrated īn defeneeofsoverigntv; and thecause6 that produced the sand-bag ecare, has Bucceeded in piving birth to a full fledged Torv f3edgling. \V» congratulate tbe Queen t in h«ving her adrairers start a paper in hear interest, though evidently scared outofthem. i