Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 435, 19 ʻApelila 1892 — THE ELECTION MUDDLE. [ARTICLE]
f. Tbt eleeuon at North. HUo iuia broughto«t Moth«r point of \ūt«r* e«t, amoug othm, in th« Minw in frhich tbe «lonioiii an Mhip
ulat*d bv Government oAeuUs to the detriment of Hiwuiaii voter. It'6eeuiB, a$ we have Btate<], that the whole raim of the powete« whofce daty i§ to csrry into effect the laws of the countrv, are to defeat the lawand to sabstitate in its Btead their own seifish notione. Our Govemm«nt cannot be.better illu«trated to-day in the wav ita t-everal functions are being oarried out than bv ooa3pan&g the eame to that quadmpedof the genns Effuus: —the head and ta!l roproa>nting the exfcotiTe, ito propeilinn iKmem, tne adminiBtration, t&e jadiciary ayetem the spirit thftt g!ves animation to the whok