Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 435, 19 ʻApelila 1892 — Another Failure. [ARTICLE]
Another Failure.
The dredger, generally known as the "Charlev Mahnpe/' was drawn under co\ er of the Light-house, and of Saturday's midnight sable darknese, to be ōnee more tested. The sea wae emooth, the men engnged on board the nondecsnpt craft, worked like demons, flitting here and there a8 displayed to sight by tbe li*ht of keeper Williama lahaplight, and working wiih the will and sir6ogih born of hope that the M galled jade" woold only worM sufflciently long lo cover th« needed appnmU that woo)d plaee the elephant ofßcially in the ha&da of the llinister aft«r whom ihe le? ; *than i«*o bo hereafter kaown, and the ducate plaoed trom the govornftient aaek given in exchange. Bot. sla«t an iron beam. ®everal pieeee of iroi in the b6ttom of the sea, (#o Uiey •ay) Btruck the mud <ane andaway went the hopee of the c<mtractinff ptftks to the dim mahope. It was doe to this unfortunate cireiim•Uneo that the whistle from the diod«er was blowed on Sunday night ae a ftkneral dirge.