Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 435, 19 April 1892 — Hon. Geo. E. Richardson. [ARTICLE]
Hon. Geo. E. Richardson.
The (leaih of Judge Richardson, of Maui, makes vacant a piaee amoDg his countr}*iqen, whieh eannot be readily filletl from among them. He was a man of n<itural ahihlie» and with the advautag©B of our loeal eehooln, he Bucceeded niKiommonly weil in private as well āM !& public life. For a one of an independ«it di»po*iUoo, and ever in the intereet of his fellotr eountiymen, it ean truly be said, he ha» won» — what who stand in that unenviable poeiUon in this couptry v hae failed to aeeompliah, —the eeieem of foreignera betide tkit of hia own poople. Mr. Ridbardaon wa* a man of liberal vieirf, and hi«h and noble āĒ&Mkm*. He died ieavin| a widow and children« and a brotber ia whoae memory he will ever be )ovingly maetnbered, Oor pereonal Bympathiq3 are with his iūfiiljr io their bour of bereave-