Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 433, 15 April 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]

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tN:irp!;Ni>ENi>: or thecocstoy -• o'it fortMi3%b«rm ftrht*axiil preM«it o|Mtii<MMi «(*!* nft» Trn- 7«|wtārtun. &WŪ&^K Hukpea&w» of tl£9 i?wu)Ur «ad Ml P J4T»toii»imy % un t*r a «M Wi>' i batMrlWiii Jlth iutd 5? 1 ***** «f AiumlMW WWM »»wwrf w «• to Kptt«r aml n*«»*itWp and t(hoMai& nrart +iaitftM»ft4Yftutiaip« ia ex«lua|»«{tbMi :■ |WBtad IIV QC.' ■; I _. / \ - : ;;;.: JTOICURY REFOR MS Ogr Jadteifti4r sv?t*a anU Cnc:#of rM<iw»iyaMwi M t» mi aeh*? l£E^i£3ss

-'inwi^^^l ?: 7; ī&9<ft «&:'?v h*m» agrkuJfc«r« *ad imfa»ln^ f w^liil Wēoi. 4&e. bo'p)MlKs :, i^ : ,| : «Moi, ' n:. *Ardfeth«4l^ n 0«ka; lW *&»?*& iw* ior «mrce« tll^r -*Mlti;:; v^ fe§ «sitsai4«l» wh*reby cfe<««#*»* mmi lia{K»rttttst oi lh@ir lo6al ..mmt%sv% oilkeni, amllevy Hu6pr ter fch* ikepoMl toral imj»rove«iente of a t>nb|fc a«tai«. SMALL FARMJL\G AKt> , HO*fS SSTSADB. 10. Tfte w**U% imeiion oloar - OoaW hjtfa»rt<.i»y>»«.^t» < fe^: me»t oi «11 inaepeiiee&l eleae 01 eUhmue; the p«blīc Uh<is 'ihv« bs©;i re*t aa<! hav« ba«ii Uv»U uj> m « f€*r imnik or,.| pan-el'.e'i tij «uit favont«j» a&*j «n«J f*rntter-r and i>!a'nt<*rs hav<? been Urlt«n ant hy c>rpomtioh» or cnjr.|»fiutiot!t cf mpitali*ts; but ai* faria^i<» <<oitt : iueiv« tothe fcfa'i»Uftv*. oi tii« HU:e. H . BiiOit!<i fwi r»v & n»av more iilMf.rai' Hotae«ioa4.l m .k whdti the ovnershlp oi rtnu-ll tr»f(o k») an»i tiit» t4 fcitloaat»nt^t'r.ei i eoii of mwiiiw *;f <>nr pre«»nt popuiaiUoiu—imiei-]H«vitii |y f.i the n«tivu HawaMnn* wim hav« ln*ca U>ft ahue«t hoßt*lt«s in U)erbix>utt* rry*-Ki|onUi he *endeml iit>&*.bie. To thateud, th» Goveratnent ani] Crotm ]and!f, i in 90 far m («n !x» i|i>ko <rit!iont mvAdtnje veftedrig.it» , ?i»onid fciidevct" ed ae )»pon &e iWeibleto homwWmh!, aikl conferred upoo honsi-fkle *ettler» fm» «f t«xe» for n lr.«iied i»ei-iod. . lt shouid he the torthcr sia» ol govemment to, at. onee, so far imnrove th» meim« of trauauortf tkm,—loeal, Hation*. « ftn<i lnternatifliwlai to prmide» ia ail the <ibtricte, eheap me*ns of eonwing Uie )irodact of the «oii to nmrket.

FXECTO*AL RIHUT, 11. We hold thiit cprisht sad Uwiahoo(t, anti uot Uie of w? :vUn. arhitrarily osed f «hoald eeaefcv;ie r.zux !'v \w lop n»bl«g u» «» : t-'.;*a*|.vwv im«t. no. inf>re pnncr :«p :vr.tr<U*.i tn tiie 'o'.k » ol tJk» i. -ii ann ths» ti» baii.*v nf itu; ;» 'i Tlie <* ; -cn!nlftatiMn :u jsv< r īiia-lo rn «>rr Coi>r.ttvti'>r .* c->«Tr-n? > - t)i* <»r -rn»t j>r:i • i rVi.t n^-l»;; *'it*w. T'' euij, \ v WiU »;.v2r -i lev«»U oi ; '.»nt i oi s,valth *.> 'Uīh <u:r Li^vd \virh of ii*» risvt.to v«»t* U>r mv tih rt'?»v to t i« native H.iwUiian« \rhia» j?*rUiti r» tju*rn in ti?oir ou a uonntry. aw»l oi' wUieii tlicy havp> bfeen uniuetlv d«t)rh-etT.

INTERSAL IMi»ROVEME:STS •12 We !avor the eoepeml;':are <4 cie«s Boins t« secore * nmuWof a«*i!*o puWie inprov*sKe&t4 onUnha «uut ōlher ltl*nd*; eehool» raiiroikif aad h&rbere •ml wharves t |Hihlic li]tht» eihd aleoa thomugh syat«»m ol *sml not o«tly foc !foaol&la, !xet tto&tt«h-ont th« other lelaml». PUBLIC SER\\VKTS. <J. Better knrs &honld ng*iUß* the Ctvil $erviee. Tt*e fcriitdj)te el tho ***» iloa of o3k*re of the $*vēmmmt b* the people ehoiod be M4aiokti»d/iurf *o bii ihoeOiMw «lkmd to hoM «wim wliM eaMee «feooi<r w •**«•* *» &1% -—- - • - - — • teriee AeM he nAanl **d «II -g«gaft<sf ntij>riltiiinin frfHiin TOT» " <yuaeSß e. W« abeH niem «01 aniui «o fc*prw» tbe «I the mā oot i«f»rtag«Hy *ee*ed righle, we itt #witilft«i t»ywwit «etertlirl» kSor,ol wh^wm^ei 1 «Mk ir «Mto We M t)a% m U»M«e«t beiter «mmMmi *t tbc p*&>.A At iwinjHinn titMr »api| ftMiMl«b«iiK wāhmliiTr>nliin|iHj