Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 433, 15 ʻApelila 1892 — Judge Dole's Decision. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Judge Dole's Decision.

The ehiiieno mcrcl)aiifBhave be»ti x»n the 'jV.i t.'"« hoping that Judge I)olcVdgoif4ion wonld sustain the arguu)cnts of tneir e'ounael and that nn ōrder for a few thouB;md morc Chinese eoolie» eouki go on to China by the outgoing u Zambesi." Meßsrs. Hartwcll and Castle do--Borve cvery credlt for the way jin whieh they got their big feet on t|ie Hawaiian Constitution and Bquafl|hed it down and jumped on it a<id characterized it — though largc!y the work of thcir ewn hands—as a thing of thrcds and patches. It is weii iiKisters; and tho working clrtss wiil not forget your hert>i( v elToi?ts in the intorests of eoolieū-HU. Tho

v, iv in wiueh two hi r e».l advocaleB of unrestr:ctcd Ciiincße couid be :I;ttinir abovit t!ie law

! oii'eo ;;nxiuiiz?;y iji\( i \ūnu£ **w:int j uo vo«.-iliiiik tho vortiict wili oe ? ' j 1) > y<v.i'think' I)aic wili ren<l- | :v verdict bcfore tUe Z;uubet;i i io::vee ? lookeil as if thc wcJg»it of ilie retaiiier wouHl be consi(ler;vbly a«g!iienteil if the Hartwfell r,:jil C;ib ti« tumiber twelves had unnii?takI ab!v gon«? tiirough the Had they becn enabled to guaraatee to the representatlves of the six ehiiio eompaniea that it woukl be safe U nd an order for 10,0()0 coolies, as oe Hawaiim con»titu* ti<jfi no longer offered .1 barrier, Jiln»re w»>uld have l>«en rt joic- | in ('hinat")v;n I>ut tiie f;;ct ! !viuuirs that tho C ! tulion U S!;1J eapaeio*.;?- l» ■;.hol«! twcnty - uve cv..Tit.'» .vort;i o:' V of-triKst st<?ak. ; i'. ! t':i? C!iiii':|e ieo. :io cr»n eom i») .1!! tl:;> *>■» ■— l liK* V.'liro <)f ! 'l ■ I —3ii pav:ucnt * f a s::i;r 1 ;uiii jas ].£• ''.in Ik» <.a ' forU>JJ ;:e wi;l (•••uie. i Thi.4 (iuenion a vari :tv. <it «#;ir.;r.i >;K'<. , ia:!v < tlx*;' in- ! <i isiriai■ci: , .?6-*s, c:.«?-of u'.iieh ii t::at 'bc B ani o: 11-aUIi ean m.'Uimliae. | oiK' of the most i:ai>ortaitt proviJ Bi.ms of the Constit;uian. TJio Uoanl • oi'llea!th are rc!»po!is:ble f»rt iw ilandinjjof these Chineae and no ione else. In not permitting.the [prop< r ofUcer? to exanane the d:\ss--1 i)ort9 in question, it assu:ned fundtions altosether outside of itf rocognizod «phere, amP viewing t\ve wh<»le Burrou!idirgs the puhlie ian o»!y arrive at one of tw© opinie»? th« motives whirh aotuated the liftarvl of H«alth ih thift particulsr matter; either it lftiew thut its action \rouid let loose n number of Chineso who, had m> right by law to entf>r, or it did not. It does not meet ihe case to plead that v he Uw provides a pmuU? for lilcgal entry; fcr tht Board is w*ll awart thftt the s«ntimei\t of the public is fbr Chinese ezolusion. The Board of Heaith in this a« ia ita more receot foliv of useiessly dftaining fmr&aient cffieers, haa proired it#elf inoaimpeleni aad a

a m«naco to the tbe aad they wo®*> wmoe&l aoi they eottid condude witb It to migti. The busme»i of the publk wouM probably be in 4 1#«« <langer by e«tr«Bting th? whole control to one mnn ot iefifce and <*sTi>erienee and travel, and officer Re?noid* could fill t!ie bill. Tho H >ard of Heallh will bo very v]!flerept insti* tuW(i it shall ceaso to m eonstituted at royis f p!.;'usi;re by <xmrt tDadies. - ;