Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 432, 14 April 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]

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IKDRPKKDENCfiOFTHfiCOUirrEY rfehtBaxMl umai opi&l«»s <*&• »*» &ttrss#:t?SsS; i | l* Q*t JwMāty Mii 2f* pm*tomtom w*mrtamMsm M» ii «piMh fl*dtft* pr««. -\l

5. oeao*r «***•*• Uw« br whidi «11 i*\Qlfebm in t&*B&#* ' auhl all monopoiwe, i4d%llf»gea to «piwial elaeana reademl impw«ible t by foil, dcssite M4 flmMlalorv etalut«»* PBOTKCTtON TO HOUE ISDUJ?TEIES 7. W?srai& lavor of eneoQragiiig &U hou» aineaiien «id iiMliiAHei, «adaS oar &rtive prodoet0 t Uk* Hen, vooU tobacco, «tc. aho«kl nd twtr#gj bf uxxitr i»rff i ēiiāinammum^Wjr«r#wCtoT— W, la ite n«taiete Md «tber . to pgofar<mcp to aHiwMl pro» daelß ow tßNMrtod eoea, i&OAL &mis<4mYmmMĒ)s? 8. We 4esifo * non Ilheml ps% t»> wa«dett»iMfefeeUala»deGftbft Ktegteo«l#ci«o(Oita; tiw? Md re~ flQhn *ltli«r y»«>»orlten ol th« pahlle «onreee a&d tft* oi tMr «»<•. Ia feet» tbo pri»dple M«iomunnt ik&ai£ bo »ten(M< wlsereby givi»g loeamk» may ehoow tfeo noitiap«tHit e(tMrM «iiMlHa oflS6era, a»dlev7tAM ioeal lmpro¥eia«Bt« ol a pohiie &*iafe. BMALL FAEMIIi6 AND HOM& BTEADB. I®. {rscti<m ol oa* |»>palsi» hav« kfUierto jmtv«iit«d tb« (krvrek»|»* taobt of *n i«depeiideatelasß oi eiUaeee: tb« fmbi*e Uimla have beea:aeqaißid «nd have beeo tied up in « fev ha&de or parreilod to snit fav<mtes, and «»*< iarn;erB aad pbiitp>rs have been <brivea 9«t hy eorporet>otir or ceaßtbtaatiotie «I (»j.italiat>; bot a» mal! ferrai»£ is eoa:incive to the stuhiiitv ol the Htato, it ehouM pe eucourased b? a new a*iid mt>re liberal Hoaie«tead act. bv wiieh the owner«hip of emall tivete of M aod the Bettiement tlterooa ollaaiilka ef dur j»rweat populaUoo.—aad $#>p€ciall ly of the native Hawaiiaaa wlk» hav» beea le<t alaae«t homeleee ia Utereeoist* t»7-Bhoald be reoder©d poas.ble. T» that ead. the Qov*mxnmt <aad Om htada.Cia «o«unaaeambedone«itboot iavadtag «ealedrlKbta )*koM badevoted«Baaott aa poaeib|e to taaeeteada. aad cqafer*ed apoa hnmn fi(fn «ctt!ora fna of taxea for a Hmft*d pened. It sbo«ld be the terther aia» ot «ovot- *]«£ to ia all U» diKricts, dheap meane oi cooveyi&K tba modaet of the «oil to marfcet. £LECTORAL RIH«T. 11. We bdd tbat npri*fctaiMi hewMl ma&hood. aad aot the mtnw>nilcm ef wealth. arNtrai% fixed« ehoohl co»et»ibe r%ot to vote for aohlaa aeweUaa repre*entativeB. aad ao«mare pewar shoold be aroorded to tbe baltotoftlia rich m\o thaa to tbe ballot of the poor maa. The di«crimiaMioa ia iavor of wealth now madeia oor Coastitatioa :Boontrarv toall the eteraal of nght aiul juftice» andmu:«l heaholuheil. To this eod t we will faw a level» of tbeprfeent di<<tinction of w«alth and elaeeee whieh blem>sh o»r lawa with respect of the ri«ht to vote for ao» 'ble«, the***by re«>toriag to Ute native Hawaiiaae wrivile{ie« whieh &ertain to them in their own conatrr, aa<t of whieh they have beea anjaetlv d*nrived. INTEIiXAL IMFROVEMENTB 12 We favor tba espeaditnte of mS* ctent eame to eeeaia a nnmber of aeaM pohlie iaprovemeata oaOaha aad etiw lalahd»; eehool. raiiraad« aad haikn aad wharvee t pablk l%lit, aad ateo a thoraagh «yatwa of weewaha aad water wotiie t aot oaly fwHeMhda, bat FUBUGB£IV4]»T& 6. BettarlawaBfcoal« nfalalatt» <&> ril Sanrfaa. Tbe pvtMipW af tba e*cs tiea of o«oam of tkte 9»T(naHt by maa eboald ha adowed t» Md am praBt, wh&t wilariee th«e*rricei readered. |ffl m imieiinw radaoed aai a»l āa WtOTECTION TOTHE ÜBOHOi eiAmm \ A wmie te«riyii bkar. Wa M ata> ia ttalateiit el tka baHar pimoiui af af proparty taread eaia aa aa