Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 432, 14 April 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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Tb*t b*OAUtt Wtß BOt ā)* low«d! tr diBplāT|himMlf t ia Um

mmagwi:n% of tfa# fnMml wpmih «um of the kte Jui!fe McCu%, the foyai p*esgfiee and Bkm wft« made eoas|ncuottB by the noo-appearaiQce of the rofal equi|%ges in eoQMqaeito».

That the |Hoi»ehold troof» are §ettiog tired of shoTelisg sand ioto bag», as pirt of their doijr v ēol havi»g eogaged for the engineer

That an in&mal maehine waa &raad on the door stopa to the re» eideneeof tbeChief of Polloe, (ai Uege, BeSginoi } ) is a remizidertO ihal olaaa of o&eiak all over the w«»ld that they aregeaersdly hatdl.

• That eonepioooue on the day of the Ule Btate Funeral, was Uie Marshal and two or ttiree of his Balellites in the midd!e of the road« way near Fort Btreet Church.

That mea'e wivet are empioyed to spy upon their gentlenjen -acquaintances; i so thinks a certain Minister of her sfajegty's government.

That the Duko of Huekingsham donncd his fiist uniform as Court Censoi and Coionel on l&r Majesty's Staff,-—the Colonel expects ihe script of officeto follow wa/i/)jv,when heie inade Governor.

That tbe Oolonel was quite gajr inhis new rig, but forgot to see that the shoe strap to his pants wereon, whioh eaused the latter gar< ment to shrink up to his knee, as his prancing stewi kept him bobbing up and down. He was ke|»t busy around to see how the crowd was admiring him.

That th% dope men are happy, the swag having been safely catched.

That we caught eight of Captain Robert Parker of the Polioe Force, taking a sly giance at us over the fence, yesterd»y at 3:30 p.m, He saw us in company witli Capt. J. Ross and Hon. R. W. Wileo*. as wo were talking over tlie assinine iWav thc Departmentia manatred. That the Edtri Wawek'a Invincibles were the on!y drunjes at the Arion Pienie. i That the Bf«eBall Polioe Cap» itain may try U> stoo a ball pitohed iat him, that w|l! burn a hole in hla fingere yet if he runs around peer» ing intopeooles yard.