Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 432, 14 ʻApelila 1892 — ADVERTISER MORALITY. [ARTICLE]
William Ah Castle having &iled before tb*-sspretxie Coort io kiek the yeBtriction elanaee out of tne Constitntisn of 1887. now-oome» ont in the eolumna of the £amily ab|# to advoeate that the law, and the judgt»ent of the SupresM» Cottri be eei aside, and thefe)onjr ootDinit* ted by hiaelienia in entering the oountry on hogQB panepoHe, be ponoded. Verily the eheek of Caetle is bi|pr|ku» the mammolh. Thf foliowing is hie appeal on behalfof the "very poor" Chiiie»e ; though he at all evente is not any poorer by their presence:
! The Chine*e are all very poor and wii! he compelled to work out their finee i or be impriBoaed over four htindrvd dnye, eaeh at hard labdr. Soeh prieon labor ig both unsatislactory and exj.enfive. It will oofft the govcrnment a good bit to carry out the«e Rentent:e«. Tl»ey wou)d i miuh better lt»t the>»e people in now at», i asrrieultnral ial»orerH ittider the p!ovi»ion« i of the aet oi tS:»0. The Chinejte t wo an- | deretand f havin« foiwht the matter all along the iine and l»eing tinally b«jaten are now reaiiy to acwpt the provi«ioiii» i oi that iu*t an.l iurni.«li b >nd>: a* re<|uimi i t*> remain bm a limited j»erkHl in the country aud while he**e t*n)fage nnly in agricultnral iabor. If it should be | thought best bv the grivernment to adopt thii oourse it certainly wouUl be a wiee move. for there is gi*eat nee<l of lahor and Kueh a t once»?Bion on the part of tho vio torioue }>roBet ation will teod to pacify and coaciliate the Chinese t making it e«ater to get »ore of eueh Übor in the i near fntnre, at the same time will supply i a con»iderable amount at onee. We elaim to epeak on beha!f of the induBtrial masses of European ao(l Amenean birth and descBt)t.i as well a* the entire Hawaiian Nation, and we dake the Government to foliow any eueh revolutionary course a§ is here urged. Does Mr. Ca?tle drop ou his pioue knees to nieilkale how kr may best "pacifv and conc:liate" Aii Sin when he finds him on tne fbrbidden ground of l;:s parlor or ehieken eoop? Mr. Castleyfamous or infamouB —if ho plen^e—Kestriction Act of 1890, umler whieh he is tnainly responsible for having let loose on us the ~P actoluBM cargo of coolies, is now proposed to be dug up tmd utilised.
The referonc« t# the "victortons pme&uiion" may be intended as ironj4 Tbe victory was gained by the eoolie importers when an ob)iging Board of HeaHh, whieh ia laiiely inUrected in piaaUUooa, opened the door for theiii. The conntry neither the eoolit n<* hi« fct for entering, and if Mr. Ca«II« it reaUj Berious in deeming ezkteiiOQ nnheef»ble without« M ooaeidmble an>ounf r of eoolie arouad him t we fcar there ie noUiine left tat lbr Mr. Oeelle td transplant himeelf to the hom? of the ooolki wheie he ean proenre the artide at his own pnoe. TbiecoasßeuMtj will reeecit any attempt of Mr. OaaOe or hte part7«ofortlMr iallen on the pineh* ed stomech and tht waniaglbrliuMe thedYiliaed labmr in poessesion by flooding the ooantry with more ofUsnete.