Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 432, 14 ʻApelila 1892 — A Delectable Little Atfair. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A Delectable Little Atfair.

We hnve been favored with the , fbllowing note, by a correepon<lent, whieh we pri ut omitting the names of the eueetB mentioned in it: Mv DearMr. are not aware of a dMectable little aflfair that eame off a few even.ings ainee at whieh the host waa oor young t4 mis«ionary ffiend" and would-be leader of the "borwUm," Mr. C. A. B. The event was a regular old faahioned hnla with «11 the aecemoriee that the moat depraved n%tureB could dedre. Whai ie mo«t etrange, the eof&ptny waa oomposedof eeveral of the erepae de ia creme of Hoaolulu focietjv b«t there were eome Udiee and geatleaoen who were quite igw»ant of the diaguati«ig cbaīracter of the e&* tertainment, beiikg etraßge,ro from the East aod B*o Francieco. Tbe afiUir took piaee oa ihē grounds of tbtf loaatie a4ylum or in tbe immediate it«ghb<Mrbood. Amoug thoee preeent waa tbe would-be l«uler, m«jtkmed ab©T* a foreign ofi|cial t au Hawaiian oA* eial, an ineurance age&t, a \*nket t a major, and eeveral naval offioers % all tbe g«ntlemen being aeeomp^

Ri6d h? &tif wi w • * WM I tm telling ?ou i« tbetrath f whieh ean he confirmed by inqttlriag of Mn A. C. C. li. That yooDj? hypocrit<», who got up Iko e&tertain«» o»eat ou#bt to be ehown up. * * |