Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 431, 13 April 1892 — "THE GREATEST OF THESE IS CHARITY." [ARTICLE]

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(C'oUmi/, Kitus). Thoegh buruiu» ekxincnc* w*»re miiie, Ae might befit an anjjles tongue, Tbough iiatening muUitude>» entranced Upon my words of wieeiom hun«; Yet were they void of !i£e and soui As tinkling cyrabal!! eii)pty eound f Unles« aweet love pen a»le the whole, And sfcir my soul to depths profound. Alfchongh mine eye wlth prophete glaaee' Into the distant future looke, Can eomprehtnd all myeteriea, ; And all tbe leve coatained in books; Tboogh moantainB move at my eom- ■ maad, And \Mouh th«ir bases in the sea, Yet ail were vate and profitkss Withoiit thy gneff t swoet charity. Althoiigh I never tnra away The<tesUtnte that throog my door, my goods I fr©elvgive To food aad dotbe the snfiering poor, Tboa|h wilh a martyr's fiery seal, 1 give my **ody to tbestake, Yet I am nangbt in heaven's regard If 'twerenotdone for love'e sweet eake. Love enviee not the rirh and greAt; lt Bafferd lons ( and &>till iKkind, Is not pulfed up with v«nity. Nor of a prou<l an-l b3afctiul miml; Co(amite no rafh un*efialy act, Seekn not i'or vrain er ea«o, Witli patieni*e lwaig life> t-onntie*«'illu, tt Nor soon a hnUher*!# failinjr sees«. Over the einB o( men it weep*, Yet lifta a lirm, voict», Dark deeds of Hliame will favor not, But in tii« trr.th aione AU thin{rs it beam for4e«ns f sake, Hopeth, endureth to tbe en<l. All oain, all eh&me, all grief «idaree Whieh God'e wiae provideace may Prophetic visio&s all will fail, Hope iii.«lad Imilion ceese, Aad earlh)y kaow)edge be forgot, Lost in tbe woadrot»s retgn of peaoe, But cbarity shail aevfr teil, Bat ia tbat gbrkms p«lect day W|ie>i|»e shali seeas we are eeeii, Sba3 re%n enthroaei ior aye and aye.