Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 431, 13 April 1892 — "NOT YET RIPE." [ARTICLE]
- Vkmmr Um «orld ihm m unleokwi fer tead«M? to »ov« ikwi Um monopoHHio iiM* to wtot O» U*t aMttoo i» • Rood «Ua( lpttta**net, «od to oi|*
| the necee«ity of gmng s!o«r. In th# l«st Legislatore the bill to abo}bl| Konohikie, the abolition of plu«4 v*otiog and other proposal9 ofan hoQWt oature to whieh no objection could be urged, wer© met by cApitali«tic legislatorf with ths admiMioi>B that «11 theM were good in the ahfltraot, bat at eome remote period the coantry might have th« mean« to buy oat the kooohiki, aad aa for th« reet, owingtothedangw» and po evils of velocity they had bet*o&fae poatponed Ull the ooontry had gone through a ponctocotis pwww rf pw* | paration; and whan at eome nn* fathomable remote period of th« fatore the human mind if npe fof the then if it pwm ādvb* ahle it may eoMkter the jpmM+ lity dfstarting afreeh tcT deliheml* whether the oonntiy ean nMy dispMkse with the liich» ftmi< konohiki by paying hia for aelain* to whioh he ziever had a jnet titleu It, of coorBe t never ooeen to- the political tortlee that a loog »uffering puhlie may heeome exasperat* ed and may rise in its eenee oC right and might knoek the konohi» ki on the head. — metaphorically speaking.
Tbe disasters whieh arise from haste—-the necessity for ealm eonsideration — the fearful resultB of revolutionary iuipatienoe —- the de mand lor well-weighed changes — are the stock phrases ot Tory«m. It seldom is so foolish as to de» oounoe a popular reform in direet or unmistakable laogtiai£e; it merely pbints OQt that the time is "nofc yet ripe" for itē aooomplUhmiiki And happlly ihe iime aever to beoon»e, ripe; the charges are n«7tr su§}ktiit<v u weighedi H and after ii tifetime of placid conBideration thiogs remain jast where they were.
I Every reforxn wtych was ever propoonded bsB been met by eome slow going obBtrt3clioniBt who urg-1 ed that the matter should be dealt with in that inexpressibly gradual | manner whieh is indicative of true wisdom; and when centuries later the long debated project heeame a reality, the original ob«tructioniste great great - very • great grtiiid do- i cendant, has invariably been found at hi« post pomting out»aß his ancestor did before him, the absolute ne* cesBity of proloneed thought and calling on the world to go slow. Thia prophetic cry against over ha«ty legisiation is one of the corapleteet of all empty deviseB. Tbe abueeB ot to-day are mostly as old aaman himself t and for a hundred tho*isand year« or more of profound oontempUtion haa not teft tbe world ripe for action then it is time that aome one amoßg the apoaUea of stagnaUon Blumkl point $ut when the time of dcUor. is likely to eome. The our»e of land monopoly «ai alre«dy a»cient when the fyramids «u unhuili, »nd «Imo tb flrst glimmer of the oldett knowii civilisaUen «as dawing under the shadowc of the HimilajM; andJf the wocld requires to sit down todny aud eo&aēu wbether S| i* a eune after «11* tbea «btr of expemoee 60unl for and if tixty eenturie« kave nroduoed Hb*n 4*ZtmSi*A &&
iario« more wiH"be wakited beiMt ihe world, Mee»- 1 tMMd pMt, is fit to imw at any d9fi&ito copdorioa. Tbe compUeftted dtordt» rf MonArchy vy a wora ont tMp bifoi« Moooii tnd CobAmlw mS t
Hmts of Eg/pt w«re ia«3ti»t«noe, j yet proiMMed phrisU»u morali«t§ and Tory liUemUnn c? toniay re* que«i an int«r®steil and lon« soff»riag peopk to go slow, leti tbe velooity of iu movemenU wmiU expo» and pomibly endang«r th« •xistooo» the vene«tWe NoT<ory Boyalltt p«oUtto tfltiM&{ tho nndignified ep«ed of mahi»R fto bill thrwhwhto| will hMi ihe revent» of taj a | thapi4 <klUra a da? I» tfce suppef* of m 9āe& infititution; aM wh«i tho «tter n««JM»DWS of Mdd iaiUMiM b l»id hare tooMvM>' ahtoietod«r wlli ame who will beg ia* • iefcpit« on th« groand that «eelM? wUI oom to *rief if it atiwnpii lo tr*val witho«t the paokoi* it« baek, and i» i»K>ttelMai7 of eoiem refie©tfon bincon>oß nt mrinri ippnrinnt And «i the end of that centnry the Tory of iholoiiUlh generation will liee, &s hk aiioeeim did, and implore a etagnant «arth to go slow.