Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 430, 12 ʻApelila 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


BMALL FARMiSU ANO HOM£ STEADS. 10. The wca]ti»y fr»ction of o«r f»opū3«» vio« hav* hitii« prvYehtsd tlv«« <4\vk>pmont ofaiiin<t»'WD()eßteUtfH of ct(iaeu#; th«* iHihlk kmls li&v»lieen jut<i have 'limi t»*Hl up in a fcw haiub> <»p i>sim»lU*l to vuit f*vmritm. iukl staaJ Larn;ers an:l iiiuiuen? driim »nt hy rorporatt«m@ <»r comhmaijon« cat*iulist#?; hut ;;p *tnall if- toahuive t-o tho >tuh < iiitv of the- stut«.s H s!iou}<i p«* «n«<>ūrn#Mi l»v » iu-%v »**<! m««.re HiM,rai Hmne*tead act, by w\ivh t!u»owner«hip oi nmail of )an<l fhfe f>ettk*mi«nt titer(Hin oi ūmiliea 01 our i»Vt'gent poj»ulatt«»n,—andp:;«t H' of ■ the nativ*» iWin-aliane wh<» 1?m b»»en left aim«Mft hon»eV:* in thoreconn-trv-«ho»il<l lie ren<ier*<l pose»bhv Tt» that end, th<* Qo'.*erainont an<l C r own |and». <, in *o fAr a« ean be don«» invflilinjr vm*Hi nght* ) shonM be d<?v<*- : ed-a« smm a« posMb!e to i aiH.l 4ronferre<i npou nona-ikU. e«t!tors fr**« «»f taxri» tc»r a Hmited penod. lt shoukJ bethefurther aim t.t jjo\wu' ,• Bient to, at <mce t m far imit>roTe tJ« nieans f»f tran»|iortftion,—i<x-/U, natkmal and international, —aa to provi<iß, ln all tiie dif»tncte, eiiean ineane of convf-y--icg th« *»rodnct of the eoi) to naarket. KLECTORAL fU!KVr. 11. Wa lioVl that nprifht aa(! hon«®t manhoo«l. and not the of I w*alth. arbitrarily fixcd, ehouW cotHrt»> i ihe Hght to vote- lor nobles as well aa I an<t no more po<*t*r sh.<»u!tl l»e aci-onl«*d to the l«!lct <»f Um I ri<h nnn than to th<» baii«t of I -pi«n- nuii. The diKcriminati«>n In favor i of weahii now nta«ie īu <>ur C«»mi{atioA > :9 «v»ntrary to all the euuml I cirr.i|*ht ai«l iu>tice, aiul mun l*.:holVhe*l« To tliips end, w«r wdi fav- r a Wvci» intr < f the piweiu «listitirtit»!i <>f wealik | :u)«l nnt<ses whieh hleniiKh our )am*s u iih ro:*iH'<*t < f tl:e r:irli; to vote for »:*>• Wee, therchy Tet»tt»rmjr to the nativ« pmlope? «hieli iicrtain ti f tltetu in the»r'Owa <wiTitni\ nn<i of mhkii they h*ve heen nntustlv deprivcd. ■ INTERXAL IMrROVK3*ENTfc 12 A\> favor the exjH*nui!nre ot «u<Brfent s»om» to wurc a numbcr of im«M pnhUe t*vtpn»v<*men*« <>ntiahu aml ather lslahd«; M-hool, rai!rua<l»« an«l harbor» aad wharves, publi<- iight» and 4ts*a thorough pyat<*ni of reM*mdrs «n4 water»wrtHiB, not only forllottohihi, fe«t throuch-outthe other Hlanda. PUBLIC SKRVAXTS. <U Better laws «boukt refrulat» th* Ovil Sw\'K*. Tl»a prinri}4e of the —mtion of nfiwrs of th« tl»e people sh<vuid he a«d «• man ahouM be al)osreil to huid m*m thaa ooe *Sk* of pr*flt % ihilm eliiim abould be adaq«ate eonpiMiiiMi far the«mice«readerwl. Allwiwin» Uritssho«MU a«d «11 Om PROTKCHON T0 THfi UBOUUS9 CLABSKS *. We ehall «ador«r «11 meaim t«ndi«|Ltolm|Mrov*e the <oaditisa of tba oet inj&n®* any veeted ritM», we srfll advocateksra to pc*rot ai: tavtNr I»<4 aaj k4ad« faf** ti3m!iM whieh.willheia, it into a mk d«B««dtac eompeUUea ta& or while labor. We M alaa, āi Vrtlnr pinlwnlliHi rf ttnpw t Mli>ra«wlftawl nwniili |>io»erty lisi»terwJnte«iw wtout im