Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 430, 12 ʻApelila 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
I Thnt Siari pcrsuaded lto fii.l bis 4nure $and-bng.<i tvith sand and \v\i <lone sr> at-th«» rnte of : twenty a night from Kakaako^- ' faet. ! ■' i ;■■■ .:y-- -- Thnt tiie b«aek sand whs dis-|C-\rded becu,i-f> it \vus told Sani |that it \vas and bul:its wouhl *set it <tu hre, at»d that the |enomy had ;i eomp Jitnd oi v agua«- ! inir:ib;ills, SAit and gi:v which.wouJd exj»iode it. That the a ruiv has 'heen redueed to a peaee fc»oting of eightv-three all told the discovery that Wafcner alie bcard did not eon* taindy »mite. That AH E aba f » fortv 110 lAnger occupy the upstairB Paliee Courl Room; that they are %4 aacktd n and will «Km be-4moet of them—at tMr old job acroti the water. That the "Fre»ch Detective" ftt>na Xew Caledonia, now straddlee the Gattliag nn ot nighu Up to a week «inee aWtive had thejoh» hot Warwick don*t tmst Hawaikai», He lives aod leeme by alow .. VThat 80nui Hawaiiane like the and StHpee." Thal the Col«iel is ooaiing Siere ftom Philadeiphia with the tk« of eetiiog up a )arge Ugi» !ativ* Re&Mrf that wiU grtnd o&t lēV|tf «twa>hip •Qbti<feu **
āM W abl« / i bop« of4rawi»|'; tWr : *&&s&&.s» y- : - : Ui«t tb#f ean see iluii b» 1« mig stsdftftg Amerkm ; B inlemi. Th*l dor Minisl#r ai km onlj wantt H»ir«il coavmend•Uy knnME&i. as a BCaW, <»||t iiMl and nothing more. Aaything to gaSn tho $T,(K>O,(KX) ai a bountj to the sagar-barens, 4edThata (lope btrd is m th« ofiing frosn Diaaiond Head. Bhe wlll probably land her cargo to night.