Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 430, 12 ʻApelila 1892 — The Arion Picnic. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Arion Picnic.

That the partSe» who went to the pipnie at E«t M * «ood time. Tbat U»re Arere prem&t all

dam*s *&d*4l the &ve lbt emp!ofdi by lb* §dv«mQifat. Thftt the arrsDgtm«nts fbr daix> ing and ior ihe comfbrt of ihe pie* nicker« wer® complet€ and ali th«t could ha ctsMfed. That the pienie commenced! Batnrday tiight and ended in a row on Bunday moming. That aboiti a dozen of Wilaon> gin soldiersi were aeen drinking a Jiumber of $pief in a dartb. &orner at* the Ewa Plenie iast Baturday night. | That the spies undertook to raise a little fun wiih the drei hundred v but eeveral bf them got laid out. That the inain post to the Mutual Telephone was wired down several timeg, and had a pair of black eyes on Monday. That the Mojor and the Captain are liahl* to lo«e their Btripc», the j drei hundres havintf mopped the floor of th«|s railroad depot with thcm. Thni tho Oapiain had an; ! empty gin bottle whieh ho thought | | was n mstol ! and mat!e bolieve toj j *hoot one of! the droi hundre<i, for wnieh he wasj a<?ain knockc<l down. i i —. ' i That one of the <lro; hurt<lred put: a hen<l on one of the Ban<l-baggerB,l ;in doing whieh he nearly put the ! ■ latter through the car-wiado\v; it j w«is a Hard-\vicked-blow. „ ; That the p?cnickerB enjUnl their fun ai tbo railroad depot—the ?pies rallving undertook to storm the drei Rumlred, and after Burnits 1 gang had keen at it for a whiie, they | were seen flying of in all direetions, velling for tbeir guns—whieh they : said were at jhome.