Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 430, 12 April 1892 — WHY ARE THE MANY POOR? [ARTICLE]
■ I Editob Ka Leo:—Have lahorers 06 rights under theisan but to work when capitalists Ihink fit, and on such terms as oompetition may de« termine? If ihe competitive Btan* dard of wago be the tr,ue one, why j is it not applie<lall around ? What, ] for instance, woutd be the eompe-1 titive va!ue of a Minister of Foreign Affairs or a Mōnarchorthecorrupr ollicials of a statefv . " ! I Reflect for a momene on the degradation to whieh competitive system of labor has brougbt the native Hawaiian in his own lanil. Capital has imported the cheaj»est )aborc* of almost everv race the sun, and forced tbe landless Hawaiiao inio eomp&iUion with him and the result is a systcm of vasselage xvhich is in its cflecte of a very degrading character. I | Do economists, states:ncn« anjd | sociolo?;iKts stand hope!ejis befofe this problem of povert v? Must l worker» continue in tlieir miscry 1 wln!st profes<«orB and politican9 «plit straws and wraug!eover trflie4? Xo! for the. workers inust aiul 1 will shake off thcir blind faith in !the coinmercial god. ('ompetitioii. and realipe the resi>o:vsi'.)ility of their unused powern. V If Capital be pocialisedi I.al>or wiil benefst by it fullv; but whiV Capital is left in the hands of e few Poverty must be the lot of the many. . Teach, preach and pray to :M eternity in yosir schools and chnrche:s it will avail you nothiUg I until you have swept awav this |blind idol of Compctition. this wisuse of Capital in the hands bf individuals. You who livc dainty and pleA-. sant lives, reflect that vour ea*e and luxury are paid for bv thfe ■ misery and v, ant of others! Your superfluities are the pareuts of their poverty, Sureiy all hiu«ai\itv iir not burnt out of you by the goid your latinTB !eft vou f To the neh we ; say. Come out fr«j:u your ea«.» aiul | supertluities aiul help us workerk| Yo\i wlio >u!i'er, think of thia ! al.so; and lorward tho only | cure for evi!.«. The timf anproaches wh;;n ('apital ean l»c 1 mad-» ■ puhlie property, 110 Jonger at the disposa! «»f the fe\v, bnt owiu*d j hv flic co!-niuunity.ifor r tU« vlx*nefit nfjtll. You ean help to <io this; without you it cannot be donei Tii«% jx)wer in your hands, and chanoes of using that power «re constantly withip your reach. Xeg!ect tho»e and you and yourchildren will remain the vidtims ofCotnpetion andCaptalUm-4 struggline—ever ! To be Continued. |