Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 430, 12 April 1892 — Kicked to Death. [ARTICLE]

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Kicked to Death.

A letter from Waimea. Kauai, informs us that a poor Japanese lAborer belonfjing to the Kekaha Plantation, was kicked by a luna while at work in the field, 011 Mar. | I»lst. whieh re«ulted in the DianV death three ilays after. This does not speak niuoh for the treatinent of hunian l»eings on the Patriarchal Ishind of Kauai; but on the eontrary it flho\vfl the truth of our statement, that l:;borers on a larjfo mmrber of our plantations are treated \vorse than el:tves. It is no wonder that there is a blic;ht to ehe >upjar industry in this country. when such inhunmn trcatment as are known to be praoticed on the |plantations are tolerated in a eommunity |>rofeBBing to be Christians. The poor laborer wae huriēd \rith* oul any ceremony, anil unwept, probabiy kicked into his grave a« h« was kicked to deatli. Can anv one doubt the wisdom and the jus* tice of having a plaee for who are niurderers, thi9ves, whoremonger«t and idolati.'rs ? We have nohe whatever.