Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 430, 12 ʻApelila 1892 — A STATE FUNERAL. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


We notice under the ü ßy Authority" Noliee an innovation in the burial custom of the officials of this oouotry, sfeowinß that we are at ]easi incre*si?ig in pojup 4f nothiog <ilm. What great eall there ii for this vaiti dispUy of respect lwr th« d«parted, w« «re unable to umWsiand. Jt ww was kept 'up Mkii« aod we are of the opinion that poaap and «how never receiv-

ed eaooaragemeDt from the kū Jtidge* and if hia taeto in the matter was considered he eertain]y would prefer a private funeral, gueh as wa« given Mr. R, C. Wyllie» Mr. («. P. Judd,C.C. Harri«,āndothers, How lhankiul "we should be for the infinite wisdom of God, that pro> videB when a man dies t " hia breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth : ia that vcru day hi» thmtghts perisli," and thus aye saved the annoyance of seeing the last rites ofrespect shown him. by those who love him in spirit and truth, mingled with that of the hypocrite and those who knew him not in life, all fof the seli gratification ol making a display. ■