Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 429, 11 April 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
!i- Tb*t th« St«te Dumm* »*• it*!k . Ihfi 6KBdlsßt «X6«&t U|« taftl*M|>,«UaliMM>totw«« MMiv«d a litt4 to* «mmli from k «how«r tta*M iurt «om nM <mi!ii( tiimisbQralß««pbaKMpiyTol)l aiW vtacber» «ōd <M)Mī«riM «N» tMjriDg «11 p»«ribU nw of fmod in the puhlle 9errioe. That Frenehy was aliowed timej ' >n the Water Worke pay rali, at I Ine oame lime be wae receiving six , do!lar« a dav \6 wat jh and »ee that ! too cenu»ut was not out in !<»!> *" v : k : .|i;ansc:W. , :v Wull. 1 ! -t —~ : ' ii •: :•]<•* > f f sat*» for the ?:'? v v isCh::riir WilUon, Irt f rior ahd ! 3 !vmu?r; Unni» 11*. iauieea. Foreign Ofiice; I j Brown, Kinanee; Cecil i>rown, Attorney General/ i Tbat Godfrey is very fortanate to be thos ikvored. — — That the the fbrty hired defendere of the Crown who eleep eo lbeir gt»nfl in the pohoe eourt room re» mind ene of a ebapter in tbe Am» bien Nights. Warwiok ae Ali Baba. Kenvon, the Beer, ean interpret this. -i;"; i Th*t Wjirwick lntely looke aa if «omwne w,iB priving him to dea\Lv lies th rt l'e**»: 1 * ;i j vh;ik» , .«;r?:iro il:iw.iiinnm'd. M'..: "■ >-: : :v. !'-)" i : <-■ •: ;iNinrrirt;ise*2 J?!." u*. .1. . .!) *:\:h\ a?vl Any <.op 4 ca\i e hi sn*ing it l?e . oune? u I That the Mwbnarv Hhip Morning Btar ie.in flmai her trip to the !lelandeu She &rrived yeaterdaj | morning. i i.. : i /;. ■> ;■; -ii^i