Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 428, 8 April 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]
l'HlNeii'LK OFi«CIVKKNMENT AKD «-"ON«TITUTttW . 1.1. We <teem lhat aiP Gov*rnm«iit »hou!«l lie foonde<l on the pnneiplee of IJborty, Eqoaliti' an<l Fraternity; we hoki tbat all dmq iu« born faetfcftdeqaal i l»fore ih« law as4 are with I inAlienahle Hn>it« to llfc, to Uherty, to propertp % • to the ]iorBait of happineea j *n«l to>H*protectfen agv'inet arbitrary cimu«ntraiQii of fower, irreepondt»le I wealUi, and nnfaii competition. We be j lteve that jusii gtiv*»rninent exists only j by the ixNieeot of the l>opie« a»d whe« it neeeeeai? §Drthe|Hib> tte welfar*. th*y may ahoheh h*ms aiui teteh)iith nttim ilnnnnmmii awi equitabl» eystea; and t Mthe>«. Mt Om»UŪiUoa al the Hawaiiaik 4omrnmthrnm Pwpie, featH-M e»taWlBded N MM tnd fmwi lar the «e *uer the of k &ew a&d «Ut«ti««, to tnUy eee«re a Ommm» the P*e*S* and >br the I pai i
mnmm& $m4 «EOāmMalee, ti(ioiilral "d tadrii»isM ' to MMl' \ i*9«Ss& w mnmm^ oer sn#v» pipo&ie*, liko liw», wool.tofe§ee©,ete. .■HHiW"; tār j : iii^i»iiiifliil : "; eff m*mt. in ife> Mliae«« aa&«ti*r <jgos* tioft», feo give fe aaiiaw! |>fo--jfc:■Wfe d«»ii*a nm wanl» th« di®»«rt lefo*i& ef*be dMB, ootsid« ol OAIMi tfewr daa«U renh« a feir©r |wydrite «I &e 9M lfef|r' eonrce« u»d tbe oltfeet* ,:' wanl». Ia f««t # tbe priti«M» geif~#*erBito»t iM U sto«t imj»ortesit ol the» |Ml «wwrtlBft offio«fB, *nd levy tax«j for th« pnf9«iB9-" lona) imi>rovetti€Site of a pab&e aa£t««. . HMALL KAHMTMG AKD UaHK *TEADfi ? 10. TtiemltbT lraetlo» -ion Imv« hiU «fto prrvMt«4 tbe«le««)DfK menl olao ln<fepciHk»»tekiee <4*ttleetges the public Uo4e i»a*e baen «eq«ir«il M Jmve lieeii tied «]» i» e lew Ipemk e? perfeiM to eitit f*vont€«, aa4 eaial tap?eM «&4 i>fatnt(>iv h»w beea <lHvea »dl by ortM>mtion« or cv»mblfe£tkt*g ol ; br,t aa fsnaUs« fet eeiEi* 3uiAve to th» i»l t«te i&Aei it Khoul*! j*» pti£onnijra! *iy a ««f? mon: iiWr»l Umne»4e&ti ed. tfr- arbab the o*n«r«hlj> <•£ «anell tffw**s o£ and t!w» Mrttieiuent therws ol f*mtiie9 * vf r>ur i»resent |y of the native tUwaiieiie «rho hete . btf**n l**ft almcBt iK«r.?ei*se io thereec>ttit<* try-sho".id he m»letedi Me»lidp. T® tiiat «mi, the aad <>wtfn knda. r in m Ur t» eāa be <taae witbett invadin}r \*«ete<irighto ) *ho&kl ie4M ; ed m mnm ee poeeioie to hinnni īii'iiliw [ coiu'i ireH ntbo heea-Hie ■ ftv« o| t»xe» for a limlleel pene£. ! It shauuJ be the fnrtheraiaa %d wwem* r ment t«». «t onee, mo far }mprore the me«nß <>f tr»aeportt tlo»,—loea!, aaOea» al and interiUitiga*d J .-HMi to pro*Hie, ia i alī th« dißtrMe, Hieap meaneol «Mkw- ' ir»g the r»rodort ol tlie eoft Ve market. j KLECrOEAL r;HUT. 11. We hotd il;?t npr%ht &&<2 h«M«t : manhoo*!» nml not the ol veaitb. arhitrari}y dxed, shoa!d <seß«ti» ehe rifbttrt vote noi)t»B asnellae 1 ref»Ewentetivea, aiMl no mom povet ; sh«tiiM W jt<*cordt»d to the ha!)otdF tbe i rich ann thaii to the halM <4 tibe [ jx>or m*n. Tīiediserimiitatkm in | of weaith now made in o«r Co«ketit»tkia ; !a rontrary to «11 the et»rtu>l arīr»riptoe f, l riglit an»l jut*tke, aad mn«t bea)ielwb*_ , ed. To Uiis end, we v»H lavir a ionl» | ing o* the prefeHit d»?tiiiftīot ol weaHlk ; and elaeem whWi *Metoieh onr ia«e ; «ith mipeH of t!» ri«ht to foar w» j Wee, U»ereby restorißg *o the aatto Hawaikne privdegee whieh t<-rtate te I t iiem in thetr o«ra c<Htatry, and of whieh | they h»ve heaa aaiaeU? 4ppHved. | INTERNAL niI*ROY£ISEKTS 12 Wt hiwr tbe expeaditiire M ®e!8deat eame to eecare a aa»ber of nrtwhrd paWio improveoftate «mOaha aml otb«r Idande; ecboo) % ndboade aad herfee«e Md. pablk lifht,a»d aiaoa throttth-potth» cSwr lobafe TOBLIC BKRVAHTB. €. Better Uwaehookl refahte tlie a vil Bervke. Tbe pHad|4e el tfae eae* Uoa of officere of t|» goTem»eat bf thr pmphi nhmiH tw nitij>Holiril. wi<t no »«n elMmld be alle«ed t» beM mh tfean*nee«eeelprefiw wbll>l aaMe» sbotM be ad«taale mnpenwHiia Sar theeerrlciee MikeaiL *«*» abenMlb» elae noneno» ionp uaomm i. We abaH e«iM «8 wmw" * io*