Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 428, 8 April 1892 — HIGH RENTS. [ARTICLE]

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llenl is tlte tribnte piid by %h% *i»rk«w. to thf (Imom, and in Hoooiui»it ean iw kid that it' .» «>ant« to m oM»U»rd of tbt! <>nf iv «whh OMiwk* 1 *j> frfow ptovk|ing fer «>u. f for tbt ltiMiordoc*6M« < *

āt>d in mestcaVet nenl a m<>ntb befor© itbecmuesdue. Tbe ]&tidioird t>eio!)gs to a c)mb «ntirely p*msitic. The hous« lot* of a eity owe their value to the in* dustry of the workers, but th« ground owner is carēfully cultir«ted by a cnpitalistic law untif he becomes a ravening wo!f on the toiling raas»tß. He mar be domfs aome work «f sociai uti)ity, but he reoeives hi« rent as an atMoiutely idle perton and as tbe Trihute of indQBtrT to idleness. Tho ineome of the manual labor elaae ia ihit eity is just now tin* ustially low and precarious t but the landkird dbss are more exactiag thaa tatoai, and aa there if in this eoo«itr3ra law whieh givet a iaodLord the nght tosweepevery v«stlge of proparty, and to seixe and peil even every tool of a penon owing rent; the iandlord ean if Heehoae play the despot to hi» heart's eon- ] tent. The rent question has withln tbe; past week bet*n brought under our noeioe by two instances peculiarly distressing, Ono is that of a Xtxropean who while working at woodehopping injured hia foot. He is simply penniless with a faiaily of fitre lo support, but ihe iandiord reminds hiui that the rcn( mmt be paid.

The other ie the case of an indu6trious P?)rtuguese, who while working for the governi»ent ii»jur ed his hand in biasting, and «rhose familv aumbering seven person» were ent*rely depending on the father. Kw huidlcrrd; who ts weaithy. and a fellow countrynaan t still recjuireg hie nine dollars a raonth, and no Afcft**ment.'"for f, hoveL Tne kid-gloved citiz«*!i want to know why are the |H>or discontented ?