Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 428, 8 April 1892 — ON QUARANTINE. [ARTICLE]
After a ealm survey of al! the circumstancep oonnected with the (letention of Port Surveyor Clarence Crabbe, and the other officers of the govemm<int. we are eompelleU to say that fhe aeiion of ihe Board <>i Healih appears to ua to haee been an tinwarranted prooeeding. The reoooval of the for thii port to the quarantiue ground t in order that they should undergo the period of ieoiation and in»pection required hy iaw, wat< quite proper; but ae the Port Phyaioian had made his examination aod pronounoed the ves«el trec from anf contageous diaease. and aliowed the officers to go on board: from that moment tbey were enti* Ued to pureue their cfficial duties without )et or hindranoe from the Board of Heaith, Mr. C >)burn*B letter preeen >8 no jnU*lli.;able solution of the diffic«i* tv. K tht» Board paeeed a rule of whieh th«> puhlie are ifoorant and whkh would juetify such a proeeed ; ing, eo mueli the worae fbr the rule and the Board whieh act< under it. The eommon aenee of the mettet ii: waB there any danger oi oootnffion Uy the offieere «otxig on hoawi ? T » whieh the reply of the P<Mt Phf«iaian wae ample. And eeeoa<gv: k the pohlie Bufa|eeM to tnoon¥f«iience; a»d oo tlilt point m ara <m- aia the Beard oI HeeHh «ai» Mt ).eenied of an emphaUe mi?. It" wouJd *fpw mif there weie s * »• . > i
! ♦ many doofe*s oo iks Bonjl would rath*r think tMo to Bus(>ect a |ilot to iet tfe Pfirt S iryeyor out of the wijr joat at a time when his pneaenoe isd hSs . .ht rty ie most desired hy the honc9t iH>rtion of the public. T ior three ships om Jap*n : i week would—under Board of Health rules—use up all Ihe aya)l* able offiee eeekers and pioye a peir* fect god-send just now. Perha|>6 such were the benevoleot inteotions of Mr. Colburn r-nd the Board« and if so they may yet prove to be angels in disgaise.