Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 427, 7 ʻApelila 1892 — THE BULLETIN AND LABOR [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


CRJ lii "liōM. an urt: !»• :»i iis «»j, thc *» j ins:. h i - «r.-i ijjj »f eir'»f i«' peru?a , The 111ii*»ti•* -| » »r d«HAv* ; ;s i^e»»iri'(■•:» au l fr<» n ī;|.» krt. H wwWiy, pa ; » r :n itit<; <:.o*ra i«i A :«tri!i* »* e*V. i Pory t»i.i ;trtiti«l f»* !!•* tw ; :i n>r«p;K ;.f o«piUlM!tt and At the r tuitM»( w« m k : H«k thi» ttink:n, vhv triv«t !*«••• / h»*.f w*y ••m» t»>* A»Mitni *.♦ 'iMw'.! n».u jr fnr as tht

09Ml liaeaefro«aher« to Calif amia ] fraf& did Konli of Qii©«nt3a»d te Melhmae, >n or»kr to obtftin *to< espr«o9ion r>f opinioa fto t& th« pme and pūUie of Au«tralui conoerning Ihe sugnr-Übor pmUeu in Quddti«and? I» it naoal for our own pr«ss to :quoto vsgsnt things oūn»eiv«s thousa nds iof miies «w«y. und endorse $h«m as go»p«l and found argumenU thereon? | The Bulietin i* aware that ri«ht iin the Colonv of Que«msliind there | sre soores of newppapen whioh should know their own loeal bud* | ness Wst. and eome of tfatem &r» bi lpoii)t o f literary merit. tqu«l to the | Auairalaaian; but. evon stioh etp(* t*!isti« organs u tbe Brifibaoe Courier and Brish&ae Tels§niph wil! iko« endorse a return to that insti tutw>n pf)ich the Austm!sisisn r*ēpectfully »tvles; '*Poiynest&n Im- ! ttiigmtion, M but whieh in Queenslaad is known by «ueh tities as i M btack bi rd i ng r ■ "iuan *sU?ali ng," etc, t The burd*'n of the artiole from i whieh the liullello quoted iu an eulogy of Sir Sarauel Griflith, who baving g;iiu<d poi)iilariiv in the past hy d«fiiouncmg Polyne«iati iabor, now owna iu a uiauifcsto, %l thHt he wa» {»recipitate in briuging Po)yi:t'sian inimigr:ition to a eloae. 1 ' Ia shurt »Sa:n ti'ntlith,.whi» twei»ty-hve yt;irs ago cMitcr«'d lie life as a De:iiocrat, an<l w'no in 1872, as Attornev Gci»eral t*f dareii th * Im|»eriui Cic>vermiifiitof (»re t t I'.rita:r; to re> j'"Ct for the »<>cuinl time the natiChines*j bill paas<>d iwiee l»y lx»th HouHes of the Queensland Legisiature, and wljo has for twenty yeurs been heavinganathemas atcorhract labor of afty kind; is now trying to turn hie back upf»n himself. Such has l«?en tlie m«.*lancho!y. endinj? to innny au otht*r\, bri!liant eo-

lor. ••i «'Htvsrnan a c*;\pM.r. (rri!iifh Thv o!ice !a\vv<'r, the r' ]»rv.s>Mtative in ihe (.h.uiiliiou i»f l>en»o.'r;iv-y. h;;.- ha«r iic-;irt hatdenc<lby nuu-ii \vcaitli. lūs ]mniiin «yii{|uai.:t's h:.v<lu!iMl-' l»y tii«oi_a tin.V'] of>lin?n iuul n;.« }im(l sott":i: «i »>y a ?iiiv sti»wpiiK* li-i!. ati<l i:isi«;nia uf Av.stra]iiin »no s ji)frv. Ori:!ith, aml Polvhesi:m tu:iti >ie. !:ng are politically aml th<; Meihoume organ of ;;b; - n!»» • Qucen9laiid nlaiitation onlv lament the :a t :i help either of iheiii.