Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 426, 6 April 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]

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JIJDICIAKY RSFOE|IS S, Oor J»lic*it iyikn ud Ood»«f Hh»wdaw»wi be atū»oiHtod to a liw ouah r«visloa. «>«««• newi a cbe«|» mulnmmpl adiatatAf*te<rffMtfe«£«a «I u) nMui «r pitHM %o SiMteioU»lßlpii; «ad «e »w ol a MOT« Üb«vo) UilNrpril>Uo> tl Cof»«iitctk>iui( n»niitoM«(tke Mm | of «itl iW |>rr«s

t iM ji f)nr «ma -'lii -Wlaaii mtii> '■' ' w*wwp *P® ■ Jeflp . ;a^js'i!l!jfil^!?!j, : -; "»£.... .'.^' rpifjinni • wipwwww» ■. wf.iia» .<ww|i ■■ mmmmm io houm m&mm 7/ We wie&MW e*r B«&*S pts£B£is, tfllMtyo9f Ssb. ika&eM p9Qsßoiod ■ Hpm&* y : :^jj^ todqwltymiPtttftli^i^' o&ee», aiuilevy taM &r tlap3rtffiee iert«a \mm&Mßm& ©f *pafejte 6MALL WAUmm AKO HOMK STEADB. 16. Tb« wealthy ol <wr pop*o*r 4oe bav« hitherto thc<teYetopmmt ofan iadepeādeistegAes fil ctti*eii«; the p«Mic iaade have h&m ac<|ai«d M hn*e beea Hei np i» a lew )mdi or p»NU«d to Rkii fav@fiiißfr ee4 mml for«wr» «£od uUmle*? bav# oeen *• eal eorpof*y©«s or roatote ol e*i»it*}ist6; bttt ee «aii i*rmhw ie «»• 3ocivf> tothe etabilitv of tfee State« it shoald p«r etteenrawed h? » n«v »ed Eooine Hberal HOTW»t«Mi ict, V tbe owuerehip oi emaii tnd« oI kod ind< t4)iVBeUfenefit Ihenon o< fa«lUes ef our pres*n% popttlttti«u.~-andegpetiali *y of the nativ6 Hawaikne who hav« been kslt aimeet honei*se ia tta<eMKi« try-eho«W be reodered rae*bie. Te that eod, tbe aovBrasttt aed o*mmn laafo, (in eo far ee eaa be ilimn iritttffiit inTading ve#ted rightf!; Ml «d«a«eaas^peeal^hjm«etegfo fme el taxee fw a Hralted wn«i. Iti&cmMbeth«hirtb«rn*inol«ownM»i 10, a oaee, eo ter fcsf»«*» the ail thed£etriete, dkeapsieaiieof eoi>Ye3r» ißftiit9NdB(««tlbe»ii^agaiiMt. RtBCrmUL BlHtlf. 11. We hoW that upH*fctaud toeet saa&hood. and not tlte rirsietiininn ol v«*ith, arlHtrarily fixed« ehenhl eon**»» «bsr|pit t&¥ote lor nobiee ae «eii«s rsprewtativee, iad bo mn pmmm shonMbe arooided to the bafioto£ tbe rich wk\n than to the ball4 el ihe pooi man. The dieeriminatkn in Cavor of weaith uow made in onr Oonelilikiian ie contrary to ail tbe etermil pria<<ip£ea of right amMmOk». heahoOahed. To thiB 8»d ( we wiU favi>r a kmking (A tbe prsMt d§stinettesi of weidth and ci«nee whkh hlemiah oar fam with reepect ōf the right to vo*e for nobtes, rsB*of£sg to the &tflve Hawaihuie miYi\e&a whkh pertain to them in tbelr owa «ssia t tM«f vfaidi they have been «ii«»t)T deprived. . INTSRNAL IMPEOVEIIBKTfS 12 We l*TOr the expenditare of eafficirat snms to Becsre a ol ncedcd pahUe iapnmeMili os(bkaiid «tlMr ltiands; «hool* a&dba*ere and wbarws, p*Wk light, a&d *lse * thor««h «y*tsa ef ieearveire mmA Si!ajr t ** HTELIC 6. Betterlawss&oiiid re«!sbietbe Ovii tofise. Hie priadfde ef tbe ms tkm of «ftom of tbe |oin»i«nwiit hy OMSBI«awJt^ siM«dd be a4e*asAe wiwpsawtton f»r thenrviese reodeffed. Att eiimohn » i>rise rtw»ld t» tW W and sto» PBonofK»rToras Uawum CLABBfIB re—sqttentiy, wltth> est fa4«rtag any iwHd iifbta, is vtt advscatelawB te pimtiC tHki lss-> pertsttwi or i ispleyisnt «I waiml wMeliwmbrt«fitte%» a ixto*m aad <ktradlng eempeUUon wttbbree Rawm wbtts bh». We steU stee, a tketetetes% ef tbt bettar neeieeHea of the peer, adk for »or« Übera) satMspHesi ef tbedr prepeity f»ess fsrced aale en eai e<atiMi. asd tresi eefoare li banbmptry prec«eaiaf.