Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 426, 6 ʻApelila 1892 — CURE FOR CANCER. [ARTICLE]
Honolnlu, Btarc& 34 1193. i I, George OampUm, carpenter, have i beea a reeleatd of tbeee ielaads for the | laet 14 yeare. Inthevear 1801 1 eof- | fered from cenceri&theleg»aiid through theadvkeof aftriend I had Mr, Lewell to eeeU. I Bopnd the isoet excroci« a|ing pein and 4 has eoafliied to »y bed for weeke, wheik Mr Lewel aaw me and tokl ne be U»o4ght be conld csve it«cnd to my uiter ie oae uoatb from tbe Ume Mr. Lewell ārel eaw H H wes cered. lt is aow naarty tbiee ma&%he rinceandhaealltheapftaianuu 4i a oosap!et»cmre. Kb tbree weeka ffoai tbe thase Mr. Lowell flfeteawme I wae aMe to ge aboat my (leeieiee. Any <ee dßsirlBg wtiMr {<>faf nntjftn ttm oalleo me at 36 Kiag Bt.