Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 426, 6 April 1892 — CERTIFICATE. [ARTICLE]
Honolalo, April Thi» 18 to cerliiy that my beJo*«d wiie who ie now dMil, eonlf»ded a dieadfiil dieeaee doring her Ute ti»e, aad fbr over t»n ytare imder the medical treaV> ment of differest physida&B of thie city, with no car9, bnf ißBt»ad» waa gett£ng wors«». Mr. M*rcoa W. Lowell having the love of humamty, gave hia knowledge and his tir»e lree of all expense in eeek)ag to c«re her, and in one month Pbe was cnred aad free from one o! the moet '»oathBome desetiiees * pereen ean contract. I give this testimony in order that otherB may eeek and find that reUef whieh h«o been kep* frctei Hawaiian«, w;ih the ho|ie that «ome day will hring forth fruit. (Signed) John Sheli>ox.