Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 426, 6 ʻApelila 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
Tbat tb« J*p® are still coming in twenty men to t»ne woman as us«ul, tbongh in violation of Uw, ftnd the while Üborers are going out faster Uian ever. What a pictore of how sagar hae, *»d is, builditig up the Ma»tnr.
T&at tbe War departix>ent ooaapridQg Wilm, Clegborn and K<wrl«Ui are e«it«BipUtiQg the ereetlo» ol a at tbe Hameke» for h*lf tbt«rmy ere «ek t and Uie otherh*lfxWt feel well or relbh the sitoaUon.
That it is no secret that the U-oopa u»<kr armc &re badly moralised atid bave no confideoee io th« aand-bag commander. Any alarm for active duty would leave Bam in full poBBession aloue, and he is begining to reaiize it, he looks haggard, for the Mt«4tion is very trying.
Tbat tbe fun io the poliee court rnom in the day time ie nothing to the comica!ity of tbe peenie of tbe forty; twenty nativee and twenty haoles who eamp there on their arm6 at night. That tbe twenty haoles are gomg to etrike for more than two dollar« a night and tbey expect to get it as there ie no more reaerve of Uie kind in the market.
That somebody i* using an offieial big ealary to pay *»xtra Boldiert and polioe, hoping to be recouped the aāmnee by tbe Legieiature. but the L<%giBlature will seethrough the ebam «care and won't take stock in eand.
Tbat native recruitB are being fcnhBted on ihe ielanel» fur Brigadier Nowlein. Thirteen eame on the last Kinau, lroto Lahaina, anei i brought their gune,and over twenty ame from other ports.
That the old Elele weekly paper 18 to eome out in a new garb," and be nameel the >% Grown of Hawaii," with Marehal the power over the crowu, «8 redaoteur-en-cb«f. * !
That the new pftsa power is expected to squelch the last ToBtage of republic tentU&ent in Hawaiianp. and as it will be given away will i r<«'inbiy be in grMt demand Chineoe at per pound to wrap ahirt* in.
Th*t C. Bprnst Wileon i» txp§ōt* *d t« c<»ntribute th« ilrtt ir(io)i oa "How we scared the eneßy with mihL" That Gor. CkKboni will giv«* mh «a*»y. on * % Why I carry arouiui a *valed doolanitkN>sOf M*r4 tial bw." That Nowiein wiU trot out hir i«ieaa on Btratecy. and Her M«jwty will put up the ooin, *nd th<* Cubii»et will oomein at the tail enU with note« of apfNPOTal.
That eomebodv will find he!ol% he i* through t th«t the character of \Varwick i« nol gnite the eame its \\ might np(M>ar lt firft sieht.
w*s aa aei ioar ef wbt<sh tfce Hgkt oi wk&m i* claiaa«d k ebMfete, m> so«4i elwm fainm wff *nten#d ttnd*r it. Th«t lt U 60assB0» talk th&t Ui« Qum& ar will sr to not gge thoee i?ho woqki hottostly nprwontatiYg is |iorv «pwted. Wirwiek b bo«. W«rwkk woi't Me (bt k b4 ister in royal re&«itoe, iole* ratetbe pmee ae o| WMmkk. Edw ii tbfttl9r Higs? ) . . :j » " . ll ". '■■ ■ not «Mitoippl»ted by th« (MtaBh*t th« Rtf7 * Lftdy who edit« (hf|OMij)i<i| Friend 1« gt4ting l*ji^ That sevtn soldiers have heen ditcharged fro3i the mUitary servioe of the oonntry. to make romn for othere 4**omay be n>ore leliahK That ihe Congregationaliet journ« p al. the Friend. says: the Anglican Church doctnne on n||urriaicet ie all wronp; that the climate has a great dea) toj do to modify the coor»e of theolo|(ian9 with relerenoe to the relationehip of parties to be That tb* F iend ir» exerdeing its chief oharacteristio in vi!Krying the memoryof tbe iate king.