Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 426, 6 ʻApelila 1892 — GLUTTONY [ARTICLE]
It ie probabie that ten perfions <lie from overeating where one dies from laek of food; and there are, perfiapß, t6 m»nv mnde iil hy g)uttonv ae by intemperance in Btrong dnnk. The Saviour chargeB! ius lu take ht*ed "leBt at any tirne" oar "heart6 ehould be overcharged vriU> t<urfeiting,and drunkenD<*BB.and cares "f this life." and that day eoiii" u)K»n iiij «Jīiaw»reB. Indeed, ther»- iM prf)bably as mueh »aid in the l'. »'īe &g.vinst gluitony au th**rf iS :iL'a :°K<t intemperance. Fevr people would habituallv pvereHi »f their footl wae plain, #iiivpv. and df«titute of u seaeoning" and «*tiniulating condiraentB, by the aid of wh<ch persone are enabled to eat a day or two in adv*nee of tneir appetite9. I'enona are not likel v to overeat if they use £ut ono or two articieB oi f<Mtd ateach meai/ But ;vtien course after course 18 Ber\H ( l. aiid new di*heo 4 ticiki an appetite whieh it» nlready Mti>&*dt and when a kindly and h<«pli»b)e woiiein *trgefi a w-ak ttii'»d*d* maii to *!rv Ihie 'aiul *.»rtt tlMt," whm» his ii'mew i« alrr;idy a{»jp<*4*ed. is it wo i.i-rf'»l that n»v «»vt»reats and hae afid dy«|iepiii.t? eawh inui this world bv i a w.»:;:.h* (H>axinga tui*M U> eat; and I Boin« <>i ihen» k»»pt H iif» ev»*r! •inee. A ii.n•» is like]y to< )eat a ''i uik f«»r hi»> withmit j urg' t •/. !>»♦* f •**; ih. p;iiatable and jt;:re**Mbl»*; iiip will iB . non.. ; ?«tro?ig to t<*»iptMtK>«. ?an«-i y r;iutl*»np ex* |ceff. "*rv !ir:ch inoff iHH 'f«P thnv ! - :
tdfective pmoMlonelo iaāxā&*&» 1840l the luxuries o£ tbe mmm.*Tht Safesūard.