Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 426, 6 April 1892 — ANOTHER WAR CLOUD. [ARTICLE]
We elip tbe followish disp*trh from oor foreign papm, showiiig | the angry atUtude of tbe nati<Koe toward one anotner, whieh miy culminate in a rupture in the eoming year accordiog to the theory of Lieutenant Totten. This manuvreing »d preparing of armed foroee j in K ;rope. ir.eans more tban idle ehow. and will reeult in thegreatest Btrugglē that the world has ever sr<*rj: ix)ndon Marcn 22.—A Vienna correspondent says: General Gourko vipite(ī Bt. Petersburg to confer with tbe Czar on a plan of action in the event of war with Austria and (iermany. At a conference of ■five* hours at whieh tbe Grand Duke Valdimir. the Grand Duke Alexig, Minister of War. Chief of Buff and otber military experts were present, it wae decided tbat General Gourko sball aßsuroe tbe defensive on the A ustro-Germany frontier, and Generai Schouvai*ff command thedefensive armv corps. The recent novement of Ruesum troope has cauBed verious alarm here.