Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 425, 5 ʻApelila 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Th;it Hi»r >f»«jeBty »ent forty \Un to hnv tiokott to gi*e poor Scots t » the picture of their nativ« j;t:»!. .thf Qiiwn u)«v not know tlhit \vhvn r<«ndie crcMet the Tw<*>i never wa»t* to look at Au!<l Rf"ki* agnin. A Tl»;»t the furtv tlo-iar« niay haw Wn « myal hint to hie awa wi ye to the Ooera Houne. That the ('lnh eay§ they have no poor So« tohip*n m»o. thefta«t owe, [ ye Y*v.. »rr.f w»ntj »<» the |Uclforrt:

-i Tf.. ■ I.i,'inii,.i ij^ui(i|i^iiyiL eon o» Hk» a«w : o® Kauai. ■■ ihai fwty .doil&rs in Ha§fia amd hnee, and wfil|tiyite Ka ; Cakdomaii «|lkr and p9frMor to the feaet B.E. hael lkla kat !isad of fe*qsk, neaHy $> yea*s ago i in tb«viclßttrerUM (Wnt)l*rk«t.j goats and s«aUoliiidren. " M - : : - !::f Th*% ; Ho»i. J. Kawahi simply oalled to tee the Qtseen the otber day to pay hi» mplal». after be4og i**tectad by Use paopk of Hiio. Tpe euapkaon that he sent fcr a Mtti« poHUeal talk waa das to M<|or Nowlein baring beep eeea to aocoaapfiny him to the That painti«g for the Palaee F«noe stoppedj for want of fuctda. Stratemeyer says no niakope fori him. ,;; :■; -; r;;::' f