Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 425, 5 ʻApelila 1892 — WARLIKE NEWS. [ARTICLE]
The Steamer Batavia amved Sunday o¥«ning from Japan, bringing later news from the onter world ofconsiderable interest. Itappears that instead of a millenium, as our tbeologians are forever preaching will soon set in, we are on the eve of grat trouble. By tbe previouB mail, information was received by the papew of a peaceful settlement of the trouble between Great Britain and the United States of America, though we did not believe the information as eatirely corrtct, especially a? £ngland was concentrating her fleet in the vicinity of the Behring Saa, tbe seat of trouble. Wethen published our belief of impending trouble as imminent between the two countries. for the perusalofour Hawaiian readers, knowing that to say so to our £nglish readers would be looked upon as beiag ridiculous, as most £nglish roaders and writers do not take the troubie to look at the underlving eaueea that produce efiecta below the suriaee. The calling away of £nglish war*shipB from where they lay, as in the case of H. B. M. Pheasant and from other plaeee, plainly that England at least was Berious in what she was <loing. Today's news gives us confi;mation pf this. Some people, howeyer, - Beem to ihink that trouble is impoBsible between £ngland and America, no matter what the difficulty may be. Such a theory mav do with States like Ohili and America, but with the two former, it is a mistake to be too sure that no war ean ever ame between those two 1 countries. For tbe benefit of our readers, and to support our views, we pub]ish the following from the Boston Journal, as only a 8m&ll portion of tbe evidence whioh oan be produced that tro r ihle ia not unlikely to arise, and tbat wherever Engbsh fdrtificat2on6 ar» being prepared it is with the view of anticipating poMihle troabl« wHh that country around whoie bordert she is endeayoring to fora a cordon of outerpoila far ftituw !HlllULf y operations: >( John Bull is preparing to make ihings pleasant for us. He has been of !i>t» Mpeeiallw active in Btr» ngth tiing hia outposts near the Six of the most powerful m 4ern warships are to be «ent to thn Korth Atlantic squadr*n. the Bunimer headquarters of whieh iire at Halifaz and ihe winter quart»-rf Bermuda. Halifax is eloee to th*- American line and orly 30(> iniHi fn»i Boiton. Ber-1 m«»da ie only 650 milee from New' Y<»rk and is heavily fbrtified. | t% M Por Royal, in Jamacia. withi )ohe du?*B sail ofFlmda hy s eaniahip, *!r Bull basBomevery pow«»rAil batt«rfee. On the little|
: oi Bt.Luc«a «heb«s a dry doojk, ; «Ulion and a hcavv bi(te|r co ji»uanding one pf ihe' «p|»ro«cbiet to the mouih of th« propo«od Kioa* rjg w ean&l. On all these strunghO:us mon«y it now bemg epeui. | We aII '-now &bout the anenAl, v J d pot and fortificatk>nf at l i. aialt. and th« warahips ln these waterc Unele 801l haa in(lu6triousiv fortified his outpost« aa neur ae poesible to the United StatHB. ' lhe increased activity in thia wor4 ia only two or three yearg old. It n)UBt be coBting a great deal o( mouey. It maaileaia a v«ry friendly interaat in our wellar« and ahowa that our jolly old unōle h;:s bis benevolent eye on ua. Wo i..ive to watch Unele Bull. too, in the friendlieat way. We EQUBt aot< l< t hin outdo us in poiite attentiori." Rngland and \merica left alone mig»t easily settle the Behring S»a troui..v, but wben Rusttia's unts-tabi:-iied exclusive elaim to the WoiiU. withthe Behring Sea incl«ded, ie put forward as part of thej Atnerican elaim to the Behn. Sea, the «appect of tbe whole i qu<*Btion is at onee ch&njred, atid; thie no doubt has prov'lnced the attitude of the British Governmeet, throjgh Lord Balsbury. There are alw;;y two eides to a controveray | aiul ihe inwawlnee» to the movenient of govefnments i« beet under6t«>o l «rhen both eides are iully heard. We are assured that Salsbury is not going to say things i that apoBars precipitoua and arbitrarv that would involve a general war t:iroughout the world without ample reason for ao doing, neither will the British Nation submit to Russian dictation by or through any misunderstanding she may have with the United States Government.