Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 424, 4 ʻApelila 1892 — GOVERNMENT BY CHAOS. [ARTICLE]
'i iie latc- cxpressi«>n <>f the eon-j vii ti. n that Party t-ir-»vi-m ment is | n i*ai!'ire eomoa from New South j 'An ob«cure. member of| thc Sydii«*y L**gi?laturc nanieil | C!:irk -draftvd tht? follo\ving rcso-1 Ii #af« no doubt j ! » an <>l»scurc <v>rner of tho | rvitit. -j.Tjxr ;»!ul liK>k rl upnn by■: thc.oM n:cml>!TS of thr Asseniblyj a< an r.:i:«np.trt:int fad,■ whioh iay Vn»yi»«d t !ic d»m »in of "practical; ]'»r 1; t ics." *. T' t!s»' «w'»:; *y«U't»! «»« l 4 nn v 1 ■■ ••»•■■ I !»)•■«"/.>• < X|HMI- - • t'." u :»u "»''tlv f»iiK t«i- - > * t\. l '. -* it-T.lt" in tln» ' v r \^ : ;* v. •»;'• ! • i:; t!■;••' .•'■•.• ••:' >! ''!•■. -u*!- :r :\ " ■ ■ » *\ •• :»; ' \ r :*' v • t n», . !jv "■• :■- ■ i i»v • i' ► ■;.*• i n -e . ■■' :':*t*.. t - •i* V .1* 1 :oll« «•! .1 " • » Wt*«ir«' :h« ■• :i- t«» ,i vot»» «'! tho • . t i-ir>n!Ati«ni •»! 111«* fom»trv. V. tli rt f«»i!owing fr<»in tl •' •"♦ wr : tt*n ami most popuI. • • k!\* jn th«* Sn\ithcrn Hoin'o- !'!:• •: ?!»♦» > ', '•»• >t !? >'!'*itK " I? th«' ,ir*t I-Miw ts£n . :»!♦• U»tj ; »n»iMif of a i>cw t*ra 1 in t* • • ;ir! ,it ir.'v«»r;»iii»'nt thi« nm> ■
t:nv :r (ii«l|or HUpOK? >lIHV Ap.' lr»ir. th.vt. h »t\*w»*r. it no i.«.|M%rt.i»f % «» w«»r!h Mr I>. Ci*rk w ; l! proKil»lv deai! » r wi!l huvo ōtn «»f ;|K"»lr' s !**for* t!> ■ r»'f nji i« fairlv bt»jr .»nd tli*» « !,1 u«oi. »n wiii • njw»iy f-»r ot »•♦!* «1 \ tini"%.■?»»'■-■ iv anv - i»*. lf Mr.r ir«. jin f< v !»** j»r^r : rt.w »r (n - Wir*. ;t-»n:i 1 mlit£ t. r liv-»J»Tr •< . <!*'v>t»»# h:;»»- • *!■ U' | 5V -i :t ■* ; f »>» ■ h*v • < '»«*» • ' :* r* m;*» K*«y« of * • ! in«»* r »*!»••< »»**■ t«|»ic o;; ■"• i»»*"!*, '♦* *•»■ s c»»l i* ,ci» r e »t il > '»** »*v» s y ī ; v.«» h«» — f • u- *H
fly T&&mnt-Toom āoāp hka tn tb« iobby, J«t he »hoßldl b«ttetobok them on the dreary of eoneiitutional reform—and if b« still sticks to it UU 1)0 beeonMB m. reteran cranfc and an object of d®-. rision to the daily preee — thon he may at ]aat, In the enuwe of ve«rs, •ee it arrive within the dornain of 4, pnictical }iolitics." and have the pJeaBare of knowing th«t it has advanced a Btage 011 the road to aueoee®. After that some more pro minont polUieian will steal the idea »nd shunt Mr. G. D Clark, and refoee to recogni»o him when the? «Deet, The new politician will alomp the countrv on it, and wi!l form ajMkrtT. on the strength of it lo tbe Hooee, and the daily preas will gravelx speculate a.s to whether 'lk» time fs yet ripo n for §nch a change, ar»d then at la*t a Eill embodying Mr. Clurk*s idoa will he passed, and the Upper Houae —if there i« :>ne in th«'#»e day» — will carefullv tlvrow it. o.ut. Thereupon there will Iw sever;il -more 4,oWtoralcampaignV' till the I T pper Housc i« coeroed into pKS6ine the ineaaure, after whieh thc (i.»>.vrrnor — if there i« ®ti]l a Govcrnor — will pn>bably 4 *withhold hH Consent." And f last of all, the rof)r;;i wi!l fcet through in triumph, and if Mr. Clark trieft to asaprt it» that f:\r-dislant future that he is tlic fathor—in a parliaimentarv ?»»'nso — of the gro.it measure. he wi!l be thro\vn ont as a base inip whik» the countrv ra?aes a !nonument to the nian who l>orroived tho ideajuM. when it .]»• imised to becom«» sucoessf«l. Wo menliou these thmgF merol v to eneoumpo Mr (J. P. Clark in his new path as a constitutlorml roforri}ef The c>untry is growlng tirod of J\,rty Govōrnmont. V:ut .ove?v tl:o natū»n is :il>s-"»lutH/ '■ho.\v! , ir.« for--.i
gr?at ref.»nn.- it« • pr i> vorv glow: v;n i tlu- nuiou is-m»t Ji«»\viiDg:it. \\* pn.igr;»ss is still s! v\v; r. i "Tln- -y-t -».i <>/ I*:ir?y <; .writ* cc#untorVi:\l! th*»se-<lisal>i!it monl li :uivautape to 1 ho : v • ninir f<>;' t!u* couiitrv, iiin!'.'r *. • - »ir< st * p<)!h v. is so!e!\* ;uu! t»; ]v t]i ' <!»»;i.in:iut f.'ictinn m t'i V v;i !.it,\v Th* »'(»iur' ".. r -> 'ii i »!«> the \vork • i "i:is!:it r < l iv. :i'. I !iir.s t;ie ot!icv: ':,fi to ]>nrv( :i: \\ \l<» ; !icitL I: > iho I.O ( jis!r;ti\v V\>;uij» •' ' "•'\> >'t <loinc it. ;m«i it ; • - » j vi rnnient for the 9ame i *he on!v active exerh t '>n w.t permitted him is that <•; «v-iAily withhokling his as» - u: : Aets or rar!j;auent. am! all his '> r function<k eoulel be per> i'onw>.-i\ wvH by a Btuffevl Aml, in ad<luion to all I*eep3 th« Queen »n the ! « nnother ajreney to i»n - «i • r,c i:. W that graciou>
Aiithority ow Au«trai-' ! a j um» <vnci«t* Hol©lr in wīthhal<l' ioj; 't <r luu! «mul «11 tin»m» u.«st;,-■!«"* thoiv »» mueh hoaw tuil : t •• :.rt «ml uiy«*tt»rv «f Winla* tio». :;t ,J th»» $isYrou'tt M»* !* •.-«! »t« time in rv»l|inf i. v !>• uphilK *ml ,th«M i r : i »u ;» *g.uii ewr* th*n tlte «umniit. « * • T i • * ~»:a ' ag%*» l*v f: • aik! !*«b« »i i \'% the South \V«k« l\ir"ji iH' iU by Mr. CUrk. offri* * t*uis-iy frtr tt a |rett p«rc ol th-w muwwhu lt pro vī«l"* !ht! tl! ain;«t<*rn phali -•■^ ■•!■ i ; -»vtiy l»y vm»» t>f th*
wiii āAml&mm mm «mit, wiU «Iml IHti fe» thliiks ll*at m hia o«m .w#p©«*sibilHjr, «iil «rlil fce at liberty to erit!ci«e his *elieognsp or anybody el«e with aheoiol# dom. Tlie Houae will fce itlttBft; to wjeet or amend posidoo brought forwaxd ty-a Mh*» sster without tbefebr expwlii "want of oonfidence M in hin; it men»ly appolntB him fcr a ttft«iik period to do oertain ftdmioiBtmll«« work at a fixed Baiair, bot it don not pledge iUelf by any meeee to endoree ali hts actkms and tho»e el his ooile*gueB under a penaity oC loeing. hi» senriceB.