Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 424, 4 April 1892 — A "COVERED" MEETING [ARTICLE]

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The Bulletin fe©U it to be ite ilu f y to »hrow iUeif iolo Ihe I #br ftch ii arder to div«fl «Uēaiion fro i th<* ra«i poiiiie āt iMU6touchinf the 4 meeting. The fdCJ« «re brt«*fly, a* glet»ed from e#v«*ral m*:uhen of th it ,( I«Abor l' »ion." T»«t on WedoeecUy eveninic »t ai<out 9*30 the haaineee "f the lodg«» wae through and the r*tir»n| ty«tnhera wert» Voowed t * j bv e>»iL>» au «»r uiore ipik. Su far ] tr» do i»m f « anyth(nc to find! f« lt with t ie not pieMm ta hoi eet worki«if men ao u epotted [ to hete the acta publiahed nex« d«y ». th« Sclal oittan of tliv P©4wn <toparaaentMid the exig*n-, eiee ol the ttam—-when the air i< 4

fu 1 of and «4ms* āti. < -i» surtly mMakai ex4*Mt and tkie Manlula ImUioiiiM in u coveriag" that meeting wUI be as ihē B tlm of Giksd to #very Royalxst meraber of Labor Union Ko 1 in asBuring hlm tbat th« divinity rtiat doth kedge a King is on tap i.: *'i«» KiiUion house. -

Moreover. the factjthat Wiicox was reported to have been present whc!t he waa not t may prove that H )t>ert the Terrible i» plaving a new edition of the Corsican Brothers, or Box and Cox in having a double of aome kind humbugKing the Marshal. We are reluctant to accuse spot aix or seven ll 8potter8" ot putting up a job on the Marsh&l l»v savißg they saw Wilcox.beeauB© v might los«* their job. whieh jvi!<t now ie their only hope of head aiul terbaccer, antl h<?sides iUs prttty well known that all the r*>spectn' !e men in to\v » is pn the StatKni H » spotted lirft aml.''th«* only r: hh« t sii9pected are .tb«* forty s»i ot»k i tig **s> |K cials v who sl<*ep in the;i-■■p:ints all night in the poliee ■r-»ur:-n-MMi. :ind a f«w hancr« rri on w:r» wll pai<l, und tln» edltor oi ; ik i ]\»li'*«* (I:iZ"tte. aiul ehe ■t'ditor. iVels- niuoh like an unlaundrie<l shirt over the fact that he got kidly Rnagged on his» "oAieaal" m*ivs. and his rage and strong adj.».'ctiv» ?j ?ho\vs ho\v an ofticial edii(.r ean -fe.t 1 when hf* brines the l uijrh on hitnself :ind leavc»s his retr ..i !in-cover(Hl.